... 六年鼓吹「兩國論」的李登輝參選總統,大陸忙不迭祭出炮彈橫飛的軍事演習,結果不但讓李登輝高票當選,而且台獨呼聲愈 ...全文
... 止演習,這次事件是因李登輝對兩岸關係拋出了「一邊一國」的「兩國論」而引發的,美方在此時此地擬派第七艦隊到現場, ...全文
... Teng-hui(李登輝), who would later change the political landscape of Taiwan forever. To a certain extent, Lee Po’s case does bear some resemblance to Chiang Nan’s case, because even though Li is still al ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-05
... 中國」的共識,台獨經李登輝與陳水扁主催下迅速冒出頭來,以民進黨為首力主台灣主權獨立,1997年香港主權回歸中國 ...全文
... ng-hui’s (李登輝) cabinet when the talks were held and she subsequently headed the Executive Yuan’s Mainland Affairs Council. In 1999 she drafted the “one country on each side” proclamation at Li’s behes ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-22
... ng-hui’s (李登輝) “one China, one Taiwan” proclamation. Chang’s visa was not renewed by the SAR authorities later that year and his successor waited for more than 13 months for his Hong Kong visa to assu ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-21
... Teng-hui (李登輝), who was Taiwan's president from 1988 to 2000, has warned that Ma could compromise Taiwan's interests before stepping down in May next year. The opposition Democratic Progressive Party ...More
EJ Insight2015-11-06