
共 292 個結果
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A world of O2O potential awaits luxury vendors

... oupons by booking an appointment on the website before visiting a Zocai shop. Shoppers now spend on average 7,000-8,000 yuan on each purchase on Zocai’s website, according to Wu. Entrepreneurs may wan ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-14

Time for eLong to rethink its single-product strategy

...  -- hotel bookings -- is probably the real problem. Ctrip, which offers one-stop holiday booking services, reported a net profit of 998 million yuan for the year. Cui has insisted on hotel bookings as ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-04

Shanghai to ban taxi-hailing app use in peak hours, report says

Shanghai will ban the use of taxi booking applications during traffic peak hours starting from March, Caijing.com reported Thursday, citing a notice issued by the city’s transportation authority. The ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-27

TCL Corp 2013 net profit surges 127%, paper says

... ast year, booking a net profit of 2.26 billion yuan on revenue of 15.53 billion yuan, the report said. CSOT is now the fifth-largest producer of TFT-LCD panels globally. Meanwhile, TCL's mobile handse ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-25

Will China cramp Uber's fast-luxe rides?

... ocal taxi-booking apps like Didi Dache {嘀嘀打車} and Kuaidi Dache {快的打車}. But those comparisons with mass-market offerings are misplaced -- Uber has made it clear that its China operation is aimed only a ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-06

Property firms raise sales targets for 2014, paper says

... ear after booking 170.9 billion yuan in 2013, but it has not disclosed the new figure, according to the report. -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] KZ/AC/SK ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-27

Alipay, taxi app team up for big cash incentive ride, paper says

Alibaba's Mobile Alipay and taxi-booking app developer Hangzhou Kuaidi Technology Co., Ltd. said Wednesday that they are setting aside 500 million yuan (US$82.6 million) for a rewards scheme that give ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-22

Investors hail taxi-booking apps

... nth. Taxi-booking apps have become popular among mobile users, especially in China's major cities where getting a cab during rush hours can be a daily ordeal, but the fast and furious manner that both ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-07

The Big Picture: 'DOUBLE-12' SALES

... adventure booking to a South Pole penguin sanctuary, Alibaba said. In 2013, Taobao shoppers spent 870 million yuan to buy anti-smog gear such as masks and air cleaners. Related transactions came to 4. ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-13

Rapid website response is everything in e-commerce

... ir money, booking tickets or shopping online. Alibaba’s one-day sales of 35 billion yuan (US$5.7 billion) during its Nov. 11 "Singles Day" promotion gives just an idea of how big the market already is ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-04

Video gaming wave culminates in Boyaa’s record-setting IPO

... el. After booking paltry revenue of 1 million yuan back in 2010, Boyaa jumped onto the mobile gaming bandwagon and never looked back. This year it is well on the way to the 200 million yuan mark, than ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-07

Goldman Sachs to sell Geely shares for up to HK$2.45 bln, paper

... ations by booking a first-half net profit of 1.4 billion yuan, up 37 percent year on year, the report said. -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] EL/AC/RA   ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-09

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