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... 修例風波和纏繞不休的COVID-19。在這股陰霾持續籠罩下,不少市民都承受着莫大的壓力。當年SARS錄得香港有 ...全文


The EU’s carbon border tax could hurt developing countries

... 0 billion COVID-19 pandemic recovery fund. These new sources of revenue will embed EU priorities – including the green transition – in the bloc’s budget for the first time. Though not yet approved, th ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-27

An imminent private housing supply chasm and its solutions

As the 5th wave of Covid-19 gradually subsides, waves of new private housing projects are now under the spotlight. Intensifying competition among developers became the talk of the town after a quarter ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-24

金泰豐國際控股(08479) 盈利警告 / 內幕消息 / 其他-營運業績最新情況

金泰豐國際控股(08479) 盈利警告及COVID-19疫情影響的業務更新(286KB, pdf) ...全文



新冠期間,醫學一顆顆巨星隕落。2020年,Burton Rose教授,不幸感染COVID-19逝世。教授對醫學 ...全文


Today’s crises are different

Just as one generation gives way to the next, global challenges are superseded by a new cohort. The once-in-a-century COVID-19 pandemic – and the risk that other dangerous new viruses may emerge at an ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-17

Will China’s GDP growth fall below that of U.S.?

... he recent COVID-19 resurgence has hit them hard.” Individual economics and public health specialists have questioned the wisdom of the Zero-Covid policy and the severe toll it is taking on the economy ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-16

Will China's GDP growth fall below that of U.S.?

... he recent COVID-19 resurgence has hit them hard." Indiv ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年06月16日

Three elements in making best use of interactive map dashboard

At the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic outbreak in 2020, John Hopkins University in the United States launched the world's first interactive map dashboard on the epidemic information, which was wel ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-13

猴痘肆虐歐美 揭全球控疫甩漏

... 成為另一隻新冠病毒(COVID-19)的潛質。猴痘為痘病毒,是雙鏈DNA病毒的一種,結構較穩定,不會像冠狀病毒 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點2022年06月11日

越秀房產信託基金(00405) 有關集體投資計劃事宜

越秀房產信託基金(00405) 公佈 - 為受COVID-19影響的租戶提供臨時租金減免(268KB, pdf ...全文


Building smarter healthcare in HK with intelligent automation

That Hong Kong's healthcare system had been under enormous strain is no secret. By the end of March, the territory's COVID-19 numbers had peaked at more than 55,000 infections. Set against the city's ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-09

What biotech innovation needs

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped attitudes toward public health, fiscal policy, and the state’s role in the economy. Demands for greater supply-chain resilience and strategic autonomy in developing ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-07

The global economy in transition

... ffects of COVID-19 lockdowns, low vaccination uptake among the elderly, some loss of investor confidence in high-growth tech sectors, and a real-estate sector beset by high debts and falling prices. T ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-07


... 。在戰爭、全球暖化及COVID-19的共同影響下,聯合國世界糧食計劃署(WFP)便估計,全球受飢餓所困擾的人會 ...全文



... 有77%的人口未接種COVID-19疫苗,成為變種病毒溫床。 相比2010年,除了生活成本上漲之外,今天可以促 ...全文


China’s Covid struggle: It’s about ideology, not health

Last month, when the Covid-19 death toll in the United States reached a million, China’s government and state media took delight in mocking and shaming America in its moment of national grief. A Chine ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-06


... 新冠病毒的官方名稱是COVID-19,其中英文字是Corona Virus Disease(冠狀病毒疾病)的簡 ...全文


Getting deglobalization right

... s without COVID-19 vaccines just so that a few drug companies could earn billions in extra profits. Among the proposed responses to these problems are to “reshore” or “friend-shore” production and to ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-03

北韓稱疫情緩和 世衞憂情況更嚴峻

... 。 平壤不曾直接證實COVID-19檢測陽性病例數。專家懷疑,政府把持的國營媒體低報數字,難以評估疫情規模。與 ...全文


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