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老散樂趣多 笑對黑天鵝

... 期權交易所偏斜指數(CBOE SKEW Index),日前升至1990年1月開始統計以來的歷史高位148.92 ...全文



... 已乏力再升,即使當晚CBOE的VIX恐慌指數曾急挫逾7%,亦無助YM順利突破17100點關口高收,為不利訊號。 ...全文


10月不加息 利好變利淡

... VIX指數居高不下 CBOE的VIX期貨在上月17日低見17.64水平後,便在日線圖以錘頭利好形態回升,隨後一 ...全文


Forex market may see big churn in 2015

... head. The CBOE EuroCurrency Volatility Index (EVZ) has spiked to 40 percent and even hit 70 percent at one point on January 16, which indicates that those who are holding euro-denominated assets are l ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-21

Global stocks take a beating amid Ebola fears

... cent. The CBOE Volatility Index closed at 26.25, up 15.2 percent, after earlier hitting 31.06, the highest level since November 2011. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 173.45 points, or 1.06 perce ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-16

Alibaba options expected to be listed on Sept 29

Alibaba Group's options are expected to be listed on CBOE Holdings Inc and International Securities Exchange Holdings' options exchanges on Sept. 29, pending the firm's public sale of shares this week ...More

EJ Insight2014-09-17

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