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Technology for me, not for thee

...  they can keep new would-be competitors at bay. Success, in this respect, can make you rich and establish your status as a visionary; but it can also make you feared and hated. Hence, China – arguably ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-08


... g, always keep growing)的過程,不會因為AI的出現而改變。 黃岳永_香港科技大學副教授兼 ...全文



...  原來英國人果然有「Keep Calm and Carry On」民族態度, 處變不驚,氣定神閒,笑罵由人一會 ...全文


The dangerous fixation over purging all things Western

... g what to keep and what to do away with; no sensible folk would advocate the view that we should blindly worship the West, and do whatever they do. Western innovation - across finance and science - ha ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-03

Ukraine and Taiwan: Can China square the circle?

...  If China keeps pushing this line, it will surely be detrimental to its “no limits” partner since it will be constantly reminding the world that Russia had invaded an independent country, Ukraine, wit ...More

EJ Insight2023-05-02


... 裏面嘅精英運動員一樣keep(維持)住閉門訓練同比賽,水平完全無退步。」 江師傅形容,以全球泰拳平均水平來說, ...全文


Will the banking busts hurt clean tech?

... evant. To keep emissions and global warming in check, we will need to maintain a nuanced understanding of individual contributions and obligations. Fortunately, supporting clean, lean, and green ventu ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-18

Is Taiwan worth defending?

... hority to keep them in line. That is why Taiwan matters. Aside from nationalist pique, China’s rulers seem obsessed with Taiwan because its very existence refutes the premise of the authoritarian Chin ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-14

Beyond one’s comfort zone

... ing - and keep at it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If our career choices make sense, let’s not overthink and overdo it. Why bother with ‘wasting time’ cultivating third, fourth, fifth sets of skil ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-13

Repercussions of banking stress on the Asia-Pacific region

... e able to keep pace with this increase. New providers of liquidity may fill some gap, but they have not been stress tested sufficiently. Strength in Asian banking sector and opportunities in Asian fix ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-12

In defense of nature-based carbon markets

... mbustion. Keeping global average temperatures within 1.5° or 2° Celsius of pre-industrial levels will still require substantial carbon removal. Estimates vary, but they are on the order of 200-300 bil ...More

EJ Insight2023-04-11


... at day to keep building the world's first fusion electr ...全文


摩通:市場憧憬新股集資活動復蘇 留意港交購13033/沽11975

... lgate及健身平台Keep近日相繼遞交上市申請。市場憧憬更大型科技企業如抖音母公司字節跳動、滴滴出行及小紅書 ...全文



中國最大的線上健身平台Keep重新向港交所遞交招股文件。 Keep業務主要分為自有品牌運動產品、會員訂閱及線上 ...全文


Getting geopolitics right

... rative to keep the right separate from the is. The right maps onto questions of what we’d like the world to look like. It should be the case that countries don’t get away scot-free after invading othe ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-29

Cyber insurance can’t do it alone

... r data or keep it available. Companies that do their upmost to insure their data and operations against cyberattacks have their hearts in the right place. But many are focusing more on getting insuran ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-24

Fear of China attack will help DPP to retain Taiwan presidency

...  Lai will keep the situation stable.” The latest public opinion survey, published on March 10, gave Lai 36.45 per cent of the popular vote, followed by 23.59 per cent for Ko Wen-je, chairman of the Ta ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-23

Fear of China attack will help DPP to retain Taiwan presidency

...  Lai will keep the situation stable." The latest public ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年03月22日

Fifty years of floating currencies

... eeking to keep them undervalued. Some countries are unhappy that the dollar has strengthened by roughly 14% since March 2021. There are some who remain nostalgic for the postwar monetary system or eve ...More

EJ Insight2023-03-21

特朗普fb留言 兩年來首見

... (Sorry to keep you waiting – complicated business. Comp ...全文


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