Pokémon GO has not only enraptured tens of thousands of people in Hong Kong, it may have also helped save the life of a kitten in the city. On Thursday, a young woman wandering in a Sham Shui Po stree ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-29
... e playing Pokémon GO on his mobile phone. But he refused to explain the injuries to his parents, who are now getting increasingly suspicious about what he has been doing. Technological advances work l ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-29
Pokémon GO遊戲在香港登陸,第一天推出已掀起熱潮,拿着手機邊行邊看尋找「精靈」的人到處可見,有商場在第 ...全文
訪問之後不久Pokémon Go熱潮席捲香港,街頭巷尾也有人捉精靈,記者好奇WhatsApp問他:「你有捉精靈 ...全文
... 事政變,以至手機遊戲Pokémon GO一登陸香港,首天即引起全城哄動,迅即成為風靡全港市民的熱潮,都可看到創 ...全文
... 量往實體經濟驅趕。 Pokémon GO周一正式登陸本港,市場掀起一股手機遊戲熱潮,本港電訊股一度受到追捧。摩 ...全文
... 餐廳。 旗下餐廳擬引Pokémon GO 富臨首席財務官及公司秘書伍鑑津對下半年餐飲市道審慎,他表示,自農曆新 ...全文
Hong Kong police will deploy more officers at popular spots such as parks where young people appear to be gathering at odd hours to try out the Pokémon GO game, the city's police chief said. Police Co ...More
EJ Insight2016-07-27
AR(擴增實境)手機遊戲Pokémon GO橫掃澳、紐、美、日等地,但樂極生悲的新聞也不斷,自上周在日本推出以 ...全文