... including REITs should benefit. Asia Pacific REITs have outperformed the region’s equity indices in January, with GPR/APREA Investable REIT Index reporting 7.6 percent gain for January, compared to MS ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-14
... 房地產投資信託基金(REIT),以較低波幅、高股息見稱。 中印投資機遇多 因此,筆者認為在當前的市場環境下,亞 ...全文
... 或是房地產投資信託(REIT)。 長門正貢又認為,日本政府上調消費稅所產生的影響應該會非常小,因為政府會通過財 ...全文
... onsider a REIT portfolio as part of an investor’s long-term income portfolio is because of the diversification benefits it offers. This is especially true for investors who already own a residential u ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-11
... 費周期影響的有房託(REIT)。由於中資企業包括坐擁資金的中移動(00941)有新投資及承擔維穩國策,令內險內 ...全文
... 品和房地產信託基金(REIT)等防守性股份,這些企業的業務能夠產生穩定的現金流和收入,有助維持具吸引力的派息, ...全文
主板──陽光房地產基金(0435) 陽光房地產基金(0435)為房地產投資信託基金(REIT),現時於香港 ...全文
... ust (Link REIT), which manages and operates the affected parking lot in Tseung Kwan O, said it was investigating the fire. Paul Law Siu-hung, chairman of the International Professional Insurance Consu ...More
EJ Insight2018-09-27
... 的行業,房地產信託(REIT)則是其中的表表者。 此類資產大部分以公募形式於交易所上市,可以像個股般買賣,結構 ...全文
During the Hong Kong Book Fair this year, we published a new book on REIT strategy in association with HKEJ's [Chinese] publishing department. The book was written with REIT investors in mind, as we h ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-24
... nt trust (REIT) that owns the St Regis resort, according to Indiegogo. Indiegogo is working with a US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)-registered crypto brokerage startup Templum Markets to of ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-24
... the Link REIT as well, which is the last thing that any ADPL member wants, the member said. As such, the ADPL member believes the ADPL would rather stick to its left-wing, grassroots-focused party li ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-09