... me)、網絡借貸平台WeLab,以及旅遊手機出租公司Tink Labs等。區玉輝指出,每個地區各有擅長的行業, ...全文
... 地經營網上借貸平台的WeLab及貨運物流平台GoGoVan分別位列第一及第三名。WeLab創辦人兼首席執行官龍 ...全文
... 1210萬美元。隨着WeLab、CompareAsia、DayDayCook、Grana、Oddup及GoBe ...全文
... 業是本地網上貸款公司WeLab。自2013年成立至今共籌得逾2億美元(約15.6億港元),該公司投資者包括南豐 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年06月07日
... 」品牌打入內地市場的Welab創辦人兼行政總裁龍沛智則明言,就同一領域而論,有信心該公司可躋身內地市場前5位, ...全文
Since the government put emphasis on the development of financial technology in the 2015 budget, fintech’s importance has become more widely recognized, Simon Loong, Welab chief executive and co-found ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-13
本地金融科技龍頭企業WeLab,其創辦人龍沛智接受訪問時表示,自2015年《財政預算案》提及發展金融科技以來, ...全文
... 。Welend母公司WeLab創辦人龍沛智則指出,不評論行家動態,但歡迎更多港產公司加入網上借貸行業。 投資者 ...全文
... ging that WeLab, an online lending platform, has completed B-round financing with 1.2 billion yuan in January this year. The company has lured investors like Malaysian sovereign wealth fund Khazanah N ...More
EJ Insight2016-04-19
... )創辦的網絡借貸平台WeLab,今年1月完成12億元B輪融資,投資者包括馬來西亞主權基金、荷蘭國際集團(ING ...全文
... r lender, WeLab, which supports financial technology companies, tapped Li Ka-shing's Tom Group, United States venture capital firm Sequoia Capital and other private investors for US$20 million in fina ...More
EJ Insight2015-02-09
... e Bitpay, Welab and Friendsurance, which is a peer-to-peer insurance firm. Solina Chau, a co-founder of Horizons Ventures, said there are investment opportunities in financial technology but fintech, ...More
EJ Insight2014-10-10