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... 退出湯家驊創立的智庫民主思路並辭任理事。不過民主思路黃梓謙也有意出戰港島,兩人當時已知悉可能撞區,湯家驊回應說 ...全文


The middle way leads to nowhere

... emocracy (民主思路) to try and identify ways in which a middle way can be brought to life. Meanwhile, and rather more problematic, is this new political party called The Third Side (新思維), founded by two f ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-16

Independent, original thought is what Hong Kong needs

... emocracy (民主思路), the think tank founded by Ronny Tong Ka-wah, whom I greatly admire, both as a lawyer and a politician. Having said that, we have been in contact and had preliminary discussions. Furth ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-16

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