
共 303 個結果
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New probe rattles corporate Shanghai

The national string of investigations against executives at major Chinese firms appears to be going local, with word that a man associated with some of Shanghai's biggest companies is being probed for ...More

EJ Insight2014-07-30

Shanghai SOE overhaul points to new directions

In another major reform initiative, Shanghai has unveiled plans to overhaul its state-owned enterprises. Although drawing less attention than the launch of its pilot free trade zone, the city's latest ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-05

Supermarket operators find the going rough

Two well-known supermarket chains in Beijing and Shanghai -- Beijing Jingkelong (00814.HK) and Lianhua Supermarket (00980.HK) -- continued to perform poorly in the third quarter, leading to nearly 50 ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-06

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