
共 1925 個結果
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An open letter to President Xi Jinping

Dear Mr. Xi, As a new decade dawns, it may be fitting to reflect upon the events of 2019 in Hong Kong and how to ensure, as you have said, that "one country, two systems" will be "fully applied ... wi ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-30

US launches airstrikes in Iraq, Syria against Iran-backed group

The US military carried out air strikes in Iraq and Syria on Sunday targeting an Iran-backed militia group which has been blamed for a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base that killed a US civilian ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-30

【消息】MPF人均年賺2.3萬 買股最發

環球投資市場今年面對眾多不明朗因素,本港強積金(MPF)仍能錄得不俗回報。強積金顧問公司駿隆表示,截至12月1 ...全文


Police defend gun-drawing officer, cite self-defense

Police defended the action of an officer who drew his gun on a crowd during a confrontation with protesters on Sunday, saying he was forced to brandish his weapon in order to save himself and his coll ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24

Three die in protests against new citizenship law in India

Three people died of injuries sustained in intensifying protests against a new citizenship law in India on Thursday with thousands taking to the streets nationwide in defiance of temporary bans on pub ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-20

Micron says it received all requested licenses to supply Huawei

Micron Technology said on Wednesday that it expects a recovery in 2020 after a “cyclical bottom” in its fiscal second quarter, and that it had received all requested licenses to supply some products t ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

SEC wants more investors to access private companies

The US Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday proposed changes to its decades-old definition of a professional investor in order to allow more Americans to buy shares in private companies, Re ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

HK fans boo China national anthem ahead of soccer match in Busan

Hong Kong football fans booed as the Chinese national anthem was played before their team’s clash with China in South Korea, Reuters reports. The Korea Football Association said on Wednesday it had ta ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

大華繼顯:大市波動區間上移 關注阿里後另一新經濟新股

困擾大市多時的中美貿易戰和英國脫歐相繼露出曙光,加上港匯強勢的時候港股大市成交亦增加,不排除部分港元需求流入股 ...影片


【輪證贏家】先收割 後再博

噚日[下半part]時已經想再encore隻恒指牛(64836),最後喺2點25分附近,見到恒指5分鐘圖見到S ...全文


Pope abolishes 'pontifical secrecy' for sex abuse investigations

Pope Francis announced sweeping changes to the way the Roman Catholic Church deals with cases of sexual abuse of minors, abolishing the rule of “pontifical secrecy” that previously covered them, Reute ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-18

Kudlow says US-China trade deal 'absolutely completed'

The so-called Phase One trade deal between Washington and Beijing has been “absolutely completed,” a top White House adviser said, adding that US exports to China will double under the agreement. “The ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-17


噚晚去咗舊同事Nike嘅婚禮,一入門口無耐就見到你出嚟,都feel到你攰到不能;係咁架啦,過咗嗰晚就一切如常架 ...全文



雖然明明睇到大市似係向上行再殺預計因彈咗兩日市而儲落/撲入去博掉頭嘅貼價熊證,只不過見呢個月嘅市都係喺2600 ...全文


Climate activist Greta Thunberg named Time's Person of the Year

Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old Swede who inspired millions of young people to take action against climate change, has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019. Thunberg launched a grass ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-12

Fed keeps rates on hold, says economic outlook 'favorable'

The US Federal Reserve on Wednesday held interest rates steady and signaled borrowing costs will not change anytime soon, with moderate economic growth and historically low unemployment expected to pe ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-12

Johnson now less certain of election victory: YouGov

Britain’s election race has tightened markedly over the past two weeks and Prime Minister Boris Johnson is now likely to win only a modest majority in Thursday’s vote, according to a closely watched f ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

Foreign experts quit HK police watchdog panel

Five foreign experts have quit a panel advising Hong Kong’s police watchdog on an investigation into police conduct during months of pro-democracy protests after raising doubts about the probe’s indep ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

HK protesters beat Xi Jinping in final 5 for Person of the Year

Just as the civil unrest in Hong Kong is considered the most serious popular challenge to the authority of President Xi Jinping since he took power in 2012, the young protesters in this city of ours h ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

US senators threaten Facebook, Apple with encryption regulation

US senators grilled Apple Inc. and Facebook Inc. executives over their encryption practices and threatened to regulate the technology unless the companies make encrypted user data accessible to law en ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

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