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Phone makers bet on 5G for growth

With the advent of the fifth generation of mobile communications technology, leading chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. said at least six smartphone makers will be launching their 5G products by the end of this ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-24

原創節目時數新高 股價曾飆近一成

網上串流視像供應商Netflix第三季推出最新一季的《勁爆女子監獄》(Orange is the New Bl ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年10月18日

Super Micro再被指有間諜晶片 股價急挫

電腦伺服器生產商Super Micro的系統再被指發現間諜晶片,股價周二急挫16%。 上周四,有報道指Supe ...全文



美國逐步加息令借貸成本上升,加上貿易緊張形勢影響,全球第三季企業及新興市場債券銷售量減少,而市場波動也抑制基金 ...全文


中美貿戰陰霾轉濃 或成升市絆腳石

美股上周表現不俗,三大指數均高收,而且距離歷史高位不遠,本周或有望打破9月疲軟的傳統,不過市場仍被貿易戰的陰影 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global本周美股前瞻2018年09月17日

Tech giants to testify before US Senate on data privacy

... dnesday that the “suggestion that Google’s products or actions are politically biased is simply wrong”. The company said it “will continue to ensure that our products and election efforts remain stric ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-13

US investor sues AT&T for US$224 mln over cryptocurrency loss

... n court.” At the time of the theft, the three million stolen tokens were worth US$23.8 million, the complaint said. Terpin is also seeking US$200 million in punitive damages. The complaint said that A ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-16

投資者被偷1.86億虛擬幣 向AT&T索償17億

一名美國投資者指稱因手機賬戶身份被盜用,失去價值2380萬美元(約1.86億港元)的虛擬貨幣,因而控告手機服務 ...全文


T-Mobile與Sprint併購案 傳初審未定論

路透引述消息人士稱,美國反壟斷官員初步審視電訊商T-Mobile US建議收購Sprint案,暫時未有結論。收 ...全文


騎劫手機號碼 逾40人中招

據外地媒體Motherboard報道,美國加州警方在上月12日拘捕了一名20歲的大學生Joel Ortiz,他 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月01日

Trump administration working on consumer data privacy policy

... hington that the administration recently “began holding stakeholder meetings to identify common ground and formulate core, high-level principles on data privacy”. White House spokeswoman Lindsay Walte ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-30

靜待美歐貿易談判結果 美股個別走

部分美企季績令人失望,加上在歐盟委員主席容克及美國總統特朗普進行貿易談判前,投資者持謹慎態度,美股持續個別發展 ...全文


AT&T調高年度盈測 市後股價跌

美國電話電報(AT&T)公布,第二季純利按年升30%,至51億美元(397.8億港元);每股經調整盈利 ...全文



彭博引述知情人士報道,美國電訊巨頭Verizon Communications打算與Google或蘋果合作,今 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月25日


美國最大電訊商Verizon據報正在尋求與谷歌YouTube或蘋果合作,將在推廣5G的同時推出電視服務。 Ve ...全文


Netflix shares tank after big miss on subscriber growth

Netflix Inc.’s subscriber growth fell short of Wall Street expectations, sending shares of the normally high-flying stock down 14 percent on fears that the company’s rapid expansion is slowing, Reuter ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-17

'We believe, and then we see the fruit'

... alization at that time, followed by AT&T in the telecommunications industry, and Standard Oil. Fifty years later, in 1967, a big alteration was evident. At that time, the market capitalization of ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-16

因為相信 所以看見

從美國100年來各行業的興衰,看到新舊交替如何出人意表。 早前財經雜誌《福布斯》展示美國過去100年來最興盛的 ...全文


US govt to appeal court nod for AT&T-Time Warner deal

... arguing that the US$85.4 billion deal would harm consumers. But a federal judge last month approved the deal, allowing it to move forward following a lengthy trial. The merger, first announced in Octo ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-13

AT&T購時代華納訴訟 美司法部提出上訴

美國司法部就聯邦法院法官批准美國電話電報(AT&T)收購時代華納交易一事,提出上訴。 聯邦法院法官Ri ...全文


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