US Senator Elizabeth Warren’s Democratic presidential campaign challenged Facebook’s policy that exempts politicians’ ads from fact-checking, by running ads on the social media platform containing the ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-14
Facebook Inc.’s ambitious efforts to establish a global digital currency called Libra suffered more setbacks as major payment companies including Mastercard and Visa Inc. quit the group behind the pro ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-14
社交媒體Facebook(fb)近年因私隱問題屢受批評,今年3月行政總裁朱克伯格宣布,將WhatsApp已有的 ...全文
美國科技股價今年仍在高位徘徊,美國《福布斯》雜誌公布的2019年美國400富豪榜,頭10大富豪之中,有6名為科 ...全文
Facebook(fb)擬發行虛擬貨幣Libra的計劃又有變數,《華爾街日報》引述知情人士稱,美國、歐洲多國官 ...全文
Facebook Inc.'s chief executive Mark Zuckerberg told employees in July that the company would “go to the mat” to defeat Democratic candidate Elizabeth Warren’s expected effort to break up the world’s ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-02
美國網站《The Verge》報道,Facebook(fb)行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg) ...全文
Facebook and its chief executive Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday won dismissal of an investor lawsuit accusing them of deceiving investors about the likely impact of a privacy breach on its stock price, R ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-27
美國社交媒體巨頭Facebook(fb)發表聲明稱,行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)與美國總 ...全文
Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg met with US President Donald Trump on Thursday during a fence-mending visit to Washington where the chief executive faced aggressive questioning from lawmakers ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-20
美國共和黨參議員Josh Hawley表示,他與Facebook(fb)行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zucke ...全文
Facebook(fb)證實,行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)將於周四抵達美國首都華盛頓,與 ...全文
雅虎財經報道,Facebook(fb)行政總裁朱克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)與營運總監桑德伯格(S ...全文
Facebook Inc. is launching its dating service in the United States, sending its shares up 2 percent, Reuters reports. The company said users will be able to integrate their Instagram accounts with Fac ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-06
社交媒體Facebook(fb)正式在美國推出約會服務「Facebook Dating」。受利好消息帶動,fb ...全文
投資者普遍認為,年輕人熱情又有幹勁,以創意顛覆傳統思維,較易培育成功初創。惟美國經濟學會(AEA)調查指出,全 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年09月04日