... he latest Qualcomm Snapdragon processor and 5G chip, exceeded the company’s expectations and even led to supply chain issues. Amid the strong market response, Xiaomi now plans to launch 5G models for ...More
EJ Insight2019-10-23
... 止進口台積電為高通(Qualcomm)、Xilinx及海信等客戶代工製造的晶片,以及內含這些晶片的產品。 格芯 ...全文
... forms the Qualcomm-powered 5G rivals already on the market from Samsung. In particular, the "big core-tiny core" configuration of the hardware means it can run power-hungry applications like artificia ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-20
... ,華為可多購買高通(Qualcomm)及英特爾(Intel)的晶片、谷歌(Google)及微軟(Microso ...全文
中國電訊設備生產商華為創辦人任正非認為,華為可多購買高通(Qualcomm)及英特爾(Intel)的晶片、谷歌 ...全文
... forms the Qualcomm-powered 5G phones already on the market from market leader Samsung. In particular, the "big core-tiny core" configuration of the hardware means it can run power-hungry applications ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-19
... 國晶片製造巨擘高通(Qualcomm)開始了iPhone支持5G網絡的推進工作,而未來兩至三年內,高通都會是蘋 ...全文
... ature the Qualcomm Snapdragon 855 mobile platform. Both also have a triple-camera system at the back, of which the main camera is from Sony with F1.75 aptitude. The newer device features a bezel-less ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-27
... ices, use Qualcomm's X50 modem, "which only taps into certain flavors of 5G", technology website cnet noted. The next Qualcomm modem, the X55, can help the later batch of 5G smartphones provide much b ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-15
... ered by a Qualcomm 8cx ARM processor. The 13.3-inch laptop weighs only 0.96 kilograms and supports 4G or 5G network. At US$999 for the 256 GB model, Book S seems a good bargain. As usual, the product ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-14
... S系列,其採用高通(Qualcomm)8cx 8核心處理器,這顆處理器的強項是可以連上4G或5G網絡(要配合Q ...全文
... chipmaker Qualcomm Inc. for US$117 billion, which was scuttled by the Trump administration, citing national security. “M&A has played a central role in Broadcom’s growth strategy and this transact ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-09
... 美元,收購對手高通(Qualcomm),但美國總統特朗普其後簽署行政命令,以國家安全為由閃電封殺博通收購行動, ...全文
... 相比過往採購高通(Qualcomm)等現成晶片,蘋果現時通過有關收購業務,擁有及控制產品的關鍵技術,此舉被外 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年08月06日
智能手機晶片主要供應商高通(Qualcomm)周三公布業績時,把今年全球智能手機出廠預測,調低一億部,至介乎1 ...全文
Qualcomm Inc.’s quarterly revenue and profit forecast fell short of Wall Street targets, driven by Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd.’s strong gains in the Chinese smartphone market, Reuters reports. Its sh ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-01
美國晶片集團高通(Qualcomm)公布,第三季每股經調整盈利為80美仙,優於分析員預測的75美仙。 高通指出 ...全文
騰訊(00700)與台灣華碩合作推出遊戲手機之後,最近夥拍美國半導體製造商高通(Qualcomm)在手機遊戲和 ...全文