
共 789 個結果
頁數:1...13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ...40

How LINE is navigating its financial services foray

...  into tie-ups with traditional businesses in the sector. “By doing so, we utilize the trust and credibility from existing institutions, and we add LINE’s know-how to operate the app-based services, m ...More

EJ Insight2019-08-05

LSE shares surge as investors cheer US$27 bln Refinitiv bid

... ailed tie-ups in the sector. LSE has said negotiations for the deal — the largest ever attempted by an exchange operator per Refinitiv data — are at an advanced stage. Refinitiv is owned by buyout fun ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30

聯合包裹次季盈利增13% 勝預期

聯合包裹(UPS)公布,第二季盈利16.85億元(美元.下同),按年增長13.47%,每股盈利1.94元,高於 ...全文


The peddlers of the tremble and obey theory owe us an apology

... with many ups and downs. The so-called defeat of the Umbrella Movement and declarations that it had achieved nothing have been exposed as nonsense, not least because much was learned in terms of tacti ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-12

Tech wars, not trade wars

... ech start-ups to list, for example by lowering the profitability hurdle relative to other boards. By mid-April this year, the exchange had received 72 applications for initial public offerings. The re ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-28

UPS無意起訴華府 續遵守政府指令

聯合包裹(UPS)表示,不會參與聯邦快遞(FedEx)對美國政府提起的訴訟,將繼續在所有運營市場遵守政府指令。 ...全文



... 分點(另一間物流公司UPS,股價年初至今表現亦明顯落後同期標指達15個百分點)!無論如何,稍後FedEx業績公 ...全文


李克強晤跨國巨企 承諾放寬領域准入

...  Service, UPS)、輝瑞(Pfizer)、多元化工業集團Honeywell和陶氏公司(Dow Inc ...全文



...  Service, UPS)、輝瑞(Pfizer)、多元化工業集團Honeywell和陶氏公司(Dow Inc ...全文



... l Service或UPS)、輝瑞(Pfizer)、多元化工業集團Honeywell和陶氏公司(Dow Inc ...全文


Meet the mom who started an e-commerce platform for kids clothes

... rading groups on social networks. However, there are still some hassles in peer-to-peer children’s wear trade, such as physical meet-ups and cash payment arrangements. That is why Garner’s Retykle off ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-11

FedEx擬聘700兼職送貨員 應對偏遠地區訂單

... 僱員時薪為24美元,UPS則介乎20.5至37.45美元。 FedEx指出,設立兼職送貨團隊是支援正式團隊。 ...全文


亞馬遜無人機送貨 城市客難消受

... 望減少依賴聯合包裹(UPS)等運貨「外援」,自組貨機、機械人及貨車隊,以加強控制配送過程,打造無人機隊是計劃重 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年06月07日

Next round of political fights will be at Legco finance panel

... tion warm-ups until after the end of July. However, how many additional meetings the FC will hold depends on when the full Legco house will call its summer recess. It is because if the scrutiny of the ...More

EJ Insight2019-06-06

Amazon raises stakes for rivals with one-day delivery goal

...  a former UPS analyst who founded consulting firm Logistics Trends & Insights. She estimated that roughly 20 to 25 percent of Amazon’s shipping is currently within one day, noting that speedy serv ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-26

聯合包裹首季少賺17% 遜預期

聯合包裹(UPS)公布,第一季盈利11.11億元(美元‧下同),按年跌17.4%,每股盈利1.28元。不過,經 ...全文



... 業務挑戰FedEx和UPS,那為何兩家公司目前處境差天共地?箇中原因甚多,諸如:一、整體戰略不全相同;二、執行 ...全文


Shanghai new board could serve as fresh catalyst for tech plays

... ure start-ups that master core know-how and are in line with national strategy in internet, big data, cloud computing, AI, software, high-end equipment manufacturing and bio-pharmaceutical sectors, ac ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-16


... 位的依次是聯合包裹(UPS)、家得寶(Home Depot)、美國郵政(USPS)、好時(Hershey)、聯 ...全文


Five more measles cases, including pregnant woman, confirmed

... tal check-ups at the Madam Yung Fung Shee Maternal and Child Health Center in Yuen Long during the communicable period. The health department has stepped up infection control measures in the center an ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-09

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