
共 1450 個結果
頁數:1...14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...73

Developing the IT potential of girls

...  huge pay gap between men and women. Based on 2019 data, the overall salary of women was 24% less than that of men. In “public administration, social and personal services” industries where over 70% e ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-18

A fairer way to help developing economies decarbonize

... lion. The gap between the developing world’s ability to deal with climate change and the ambitious plans being discussed in advanced economies is just another example of the huge disparity in wealth a ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-07


...  Behavior Gap: Simple Ways to Stop Doing Dumb Things wi ...全文


In 2021, reconciliation over Taiwan Strait, please

... 2020, the gap between Taiwan and the mainland greatly widened. The mass protests in Hong Kong, followed by the National Security Law (NSL), have made Taiwan people more skeptical about “one country, t ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-28

Portfolios need a broader mix as pandemic prolongs uncertainty

... G funding gap in developing countries at around USD 2.5 trillion per year, making it critical to find innovative and scalable new investment products for the countries and sectors most deprived of fun ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-15

HK:Foreign firms’ concern about judicial independence, stability

...  chose Singapore instead of Hong Kong when he took up the position. Nikkei Asia said 52 banks and financial companies and 24 insurers had left the city in the year to June 2020. Since then, the Vangua ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-14

New economy widens gender pay gap in China

... ender pay gap persists. Last year, nine government departments in China jointly issued new rule banning employers from asking female candidates about their marital status in recruitment exercise in or ...More

EJ Insight2020-12-09

恒指裂口阻力增 20天線定好淡

... 月仍有4個上升裂口(GAP),12月障礙重重,不進則大退。上周五收26835點,技術上,每天MACD現熊差距, ...全文



... 的例子,就是便服品牌GAP Inc.(GPS)。GPS自7月尾突破了大概13.5美元這個短期阻力和200天平均 ...全文


歐盟研短期措施 容許英銀行1月起接入

... 短期措施(stop-gap),即容許英國銀行如常接入,直至某一時間。 ...全文


Gap第三季盈利跌32% 遜預期

美國服裝集團Gap公布,截至10月31日止第三季,利潤按年跌32%至9500萬元(美元‧下同),主要受推廣成本 ...全文



... 講過,根據裂口理論(Gap Theory),第一個叫突破性裂口,第二個為持續性裂口,第三個打後就係損耗性裂口, ...全文



...  Learning Gap,就詳細比較了美國、日本與中國,認為美國家長通常認為自己的孩子非常精采,都應該拿A; ...全文


The economic incompetence of Republican presidents

... rformance gap is startlingly large – so large, in fact, that it strains credulity.” In terms of annualized real (inflation-adjusted) GDP growth, for example, Blinder and Watson find that Democrats out ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-02


美國最大服裝零售集團Gap宣布,計劃在2023財政年度完結前,關閉約350間分店。Gap披露,未來的銷售模式將 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年10月24日


... 對市場衝擊未完。■ Gap計劃2023財年完結前關閉約350間分店。■ 美滙尾段漲0.37%,報92.95;兌 ...全文



美國最大服裝零售集團Gap宣布,計劃在2023財政年度完結前,關閉約350間分店。消息公布後,Gap股價收市升 ...全文



... 達缺口(Fulda Gap,可能爆發衝突的關鍵區域),具關鍵戰略意義。 此外,彭博引述印度政府高級官員報道,多 ...全文


Public fear rewriting of “The Hong Kong Story”

... ” But the gap between the history taught in the mainland and that taught outside is very wide. Mainland students learn little about the Great Famine of 1958-62, the Cultural Revolution and the fierce ...More

EJ Insight2020-10-19

藍浪潮加疫苗 帶來換馬時機

... 缺口(output gap)可收窄2至2.5個百分點,國債息率可持續回升兩年。 報告亦提到,金融海嘯之後,環球 ...全文


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