「股神」畢非德(Warren Buffett)在Lyft掛牌前夕接受CNBC採訪,提醒普通投資者不應該試圖在股 ...全文
美國第二大召車軟件公司Lyft,周五在納斯特交易所首日掛牌(股份代碼:LYFT),開盤報87.24美元,較IP ...全文
近年最受矚目科網IPO、美國召車平台Lyft周五開始在納斯特證交所交易,他們成功以招股價上限72美元上市,市值 ...全文
Lyft Inc was valued at US$24.3 billion in the first initial public offering (IPO) of a ride-hailing startup on Thursday, raising more than it had set off to do, Reuters reports. Lyft’s IPO sets the st ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-29
... 場對IPO反應熱烈,Lyft落實以招股價區間上限72美元定價。■ 本港今早4時59分,離岸人民幣(CNH)兌美 ...全文
訂於今晚在納斯特證交所掛牌上市的Lyft,周三已上調了其招股上市(IPO)價格區間,因投資者擔心錯過美國首家召 ...全文
Ride-hailing startup Lyft on Wednesday raised the price range for its initial public offering to between US$70 and US$72 per share, from US$62-$68 previously, amid strong demand for the stock. The new ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-28
... 2%。■ 召車軟件商Lyft提高IPO招股價區間,升為70至72美元。■ 英國股市跌0.03%;德國回吐不足1 ...全文
召車軟件商Lyft提高IPO每股招股價區間,由原先的62至68美元,更改為70至72美元。該公司將於周四訂出最 ...全文
... vals like Lyft. The IPOs of Lyft and Uber represent a watershed for Silicon Valley’s technology unicorns, which for years have snubbed the stock market in favor of raising capital privately, with inve ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-25
... providers Lyft and Uber are set to pursue much-anticipated listings. Investors are anticipating 2019 may be one of the most active years ever for tech IPOs. Pinterest, which plans to list under the sy ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-25
... 道指也升9.2%。 Lyft掛牌 動搖股市因素 不過,TD Ameritrade首席市場策略師基納漢(JJ K ...全文
... 行路演的另一召車平台Lyft,反映美股大市及新股表現不俗,吸引了一眾科技巨企心動上市。 Pinterest已在 ...全文
... 得了Uber競爭對手Lyft,後者計劃本月28日進行IPO定價,並於翌日在納斯特上市,屆時其估值可能達到甚至超 ...全文
Lyft's initial public offering (IPO) has been oversubscribed based on commitments made so far by investors, making it more likely that the ride-hailing startup will fetch or even exceed the US$23 bill ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-20
... 1%。■ 召車軟件商Lyft的IPO招股據稱錄超購。■ 傳標緻或合併快意佳士拿,車股推動德股升1.13%,英、 ...全文