
共 828 個結果
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How Apple is joining the 5G battle

... Intel and Qualcomm baseband chips to support the devices' 4G mobile connectivity. However, the use of different brand chipsets in the same iPhone series had delivered different network transmission pe ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30


... 00700)和高通(Qualcomm)表示,將在手機遊戲和5G領域上合作,並打造騰訊支持的5G版本遊戲手機。 ...全文


Apple keen to buy 5G chip independence

Apple had been trying to work with Intel to develop 5G chip technology, but it wasn’t too successful. With Qualcomm already introducing its second 5G chip and Samsung launching its 5G smartphone, Appl ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30


騰訊(00700)和高通(Qualcomm)表示,將在手機遊戲和5G領域上合作,並打造騰訊支持的5G版本遊戲手 ...全文


Qualcomm, Tencent to collaborate on gaming devices, 5G

Qualcomm and Tencent Holdings will cooperate on projects that could include making Tencent's videogames play better on devices with Qualcomm chips, and create a 5G version of a Tencent-backed gaming p ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-30

開市焦點:港股欠動能 關注貿談 議息

... polify、高通(Qualcomm)、Verizon、福特汽車、埃克森美孚等等。 美國上市的主要港股預託證券 ...全文



... potify、高通(Qualcomm)、Verizon、通用汽車、埃克森美孚等等。 一般相信,蘋果公布的第三季 ...全文


蘋果斥資78億收購 Intel手機晶片業務

... 果計劃明年使用高通(Qualcomm)的調解器晶片技術生產5G iPhone,但希望到2021年能在部分產品中 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年07月27日

Apple pays US$1 billion for Intel wireless chip unit

...  supplier Qualcomm Inc. over Qualcomm patent licensing practices. Cupertino, California-based Apple reached a surprise settlement in April that called for the iPhone to once again use Qualcomm modem c ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-26

Apple in talks to buy Intel smartphone-modem chip business: WSJ

... pute with Qualcomm Inc., a key supplier of iPhone modem chips. The Journal had reported in the same month that Intel was exploring a sale for its modem chip business to Apple or another acquirer. Appl ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-23


... 過,自從蘋果與高通(Qualcomm)達成和解協議後,英特爾開始積極尋求向其他公司出售相關業務。不過,與其他潛 ...全文


White House to host meeting with tech executives on Huawei ban

... Corp. and Qualcomm Inc. have been invited, the sources said. A White House official confirmed the meeting would take place, noting that Google and Micron would attend, but said it had been called to d ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-22

高通違反壟斷法 再遭歐盟罰21億

美國晶片商高通(Qualcomm)周四遭歐盟根據反壟斷法罰款2.42億歐羅(約21.2億港元),是去年以來第二 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年07月20日

Qualcomm set to face second EU antitrust fine: report

Qualcomm could be hit with a second EU antitrust fine as soon as Thursday for blocking a rival from the market more than a decade ago, Reuters reports, citing people familiar with the matter. The chip ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-18

美司法部介入 高通翻案可期

美國大型通訊設備晶片商高通(Qualcomm)今年5月遭加州地區法院裁定違反了反壟斷法,但司法部周二向三藩市上 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年07月18日


美國司法部在能源部和國防部支持下,要求聯邦上訴法院暫緩執行對高通(Qualcomm)的全面反壟斷裁決。 美國國 ...全文


Xiaomi acts to overcome supply chain woes

...  securing Qualcomm chips. This, in turn, prompted customers to shift to IQOO, a new brand under Vivo with similar hardware specifications. In order to overcome this issue, Xiaomi announced the appoint ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-11


... 管當局阻止收購高通(Qualcomm)後,轉為以190億美元收購軟件商CA技術(CA Technologies ...全文


EU opens road to 5G connected cars

... r BMW and Qualcomm which support a rival 5G telecoms system, the report said. Germany, France and Italy, with powerful car industries, were among 21 countries to vote against the EC proposal at a Brus ...More

EJ Insight2019-07-05

歐盟否決無線系統接駁汽車基準 利5G接駁

... 支持5G方案的高通(Qualcomm)與寶馬(BMW)可望受惠。德國福士(Volkswagen,又名大眾汽車) ...全文


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