
共 789 個結果
頁數:1...14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...40

Why young-age myopia is such an important issue

... cal check-ups for schoolchildren on yearly basis. For children who are highly prone to myopia, preventative programs and specialized treatments should be offered. Parents, meanwhile, should have more ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-25

Xiaomi joins mobile payment race in India

...  plan top-ups and satellite TV service with the app, according to the company. "Payments for us is a core functionality within our operating system (OS) business," Xiaomi India Managing Director Manu ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-22

Why it's time to look beyond budget 'sweeteners'

... ss of the ups and downs of the economy. Intriguingly though, despite the fact that the policy has been in place for 13 consecutive years, the government has continued to refer to it as an “one-off” me ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-12


... 速遞公司Fedex及UPS,還有海運與鐵路公司,由於運輸業直接反映美國經濟情況,或是股市再墮入熊市的先兆,告誡 ...全文


Amazon to close all US pop-up stores

... y has pop-ups inside Whole Foods locations, Kohl's stores and malls around the United States. The shops allow customers try Amazon products — such as Fire tablets, Kindle e-readers, Echo smart speake ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-07

Using tech for better airport design

...  11 start-ups to demonstrate how their ideas can change the way that people see airports and indeed help improve Hong Kong’s already stellar airport. Tech solutions being proposed include the likes of ...More

EJ Insight2019-03-06

國際義工交流 促進持續發展

... 國義工計劃獎,分別由UPS和Berlin Social Academy奪得。 上述這些獲嘉許的企業,展示出其成 ...全文


FedEx testing robot for home deliveries

... and even cups of coffee in the “last mile” to consumer doorsteps. FedEx is teaming up with DEKA Development & Research Corp., whose founder Dean Kamen invented the Segway stand-up scooter and iBot ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-28

Trump 'clear and correct' on 5G, says Huawei chief

...  are hold-ups in issuing spectrum to operators, as well as high auction costs in countries such as Italy, he said. – Contact us at [email protected] CG/RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-25

增長神話過後 可樂漸現隱憂

... 服務的獨特形象(例如UPS的棕色Service Mark代表安全穩妥、Q嘜認明商標(Certification ...全文



... 經濟金絲雀聯合包裹(UPS)及聯邦快遞(FedEx)並非人人適合沾手。 以FedEx為例,每隔幾年,股價衝完一 ...全文



全球最大速遞集團UPS公布,調高季度股息5.5%至96美仙。 該公司指出,新季度股息適將於3月12日派發予2月 ...全文


ASTRI hosts Technovation Summit

... ese start-ups hardly ever become profitable”. He hoped that the Summit could offer a platform to explore and discuss pragmatic solutions, so that “the next 60 years of the AI journey can be successful ...More

EJ Insight2019-02-14


聯合包裹(UPS)公布,去年第四季盈利4.53億元(美元.下同),按年下跌58.67%,每股盈利0.52元;期 ...全文


Crime rate falls to multi-decade low but errant-cop cases up

... gh follow-ups on the matter, Lo added. On other topics, the police chief said the water cannons bought for around HK$1.66 million and shipped from France to Hong Kong last year will be ready to deploy ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-30


... ix指出,聯合包裹(UPS)在感恩節後的四周內,按時交付了98.3%的包裹,準時率超越去年的94.1%,聯邦快 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年12月24日


... s full of ups and downs,原來部分是自己造成的。懷念危機四伏的馬騮架,它是由數十條鐵鋼管 ...全文


US-China relations: Stormy days ahead

... been many ups and downs in the relationship. In 1989, ten years after normalization, the Tiananmen Square military crackdown occurred, which saw relations nosedive. In 1999 came the accidental America ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-19

China's new tech board and the potential candidates

Chinese President Xi Jinping made a surprise announcement on Monday as he unveiled plans to establish a tech and innovation board in Shanghai to help domestic tech start-ups raise capital. The news, a ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-07

Towards a future with intelligent mobility

... lus start-ups in the automobile & mobility sector, 40 percent involves in smart mobility, such as navigation, shared car, fleet management, parking. There are also substantial number of startups i ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-06

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