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... 9元,漲升6.9%;卡姆丹克太陽能(00712)亦炒高9.4%,技術走勢向好名單內的信義光能(00968)收2 ...全文


悶局未破 炒來炒去嗰幾味

... 8%,至0.46元;卡姆丹克太陽能(00712)上揚近5%,報0.425元。 乳業股向好,里昂發表報告唱好現代 ...全文



... 1)再升8.97%;卡姆丹克太陽能(00712)升4%。 炒盈喜股 雷士飆15% 雷士照明(02222)亦發盈 ...全文


猛會接着來 細股風浪急

港股近日累積升幅不小,受A股回吐及亞洲區油價調整影響,恒指受制19500點阻力,昨天窄幅上落,市場關注本周期指 ...全文


國聯金控成立 新能源投資響頭炮

... 能優質單晶矽片生產商卡姆丹克太陽能系統集團有限公司(00712)29%股份,以把握國內清潔能源發展契機,成為國 ...全文



太陽能上游單晶硅片生產商卡姆丹克(00712),日前宣布獲國聯金控入主,該公司主席兼首席執行官張屹預期,隨着產 ...全文


國聯入主 卡姆丹克兼拓陽能下游

太陽能單晶矽片生產商卡姆丹克(00712)宣布,向國聯金融控股及河南萬眾主席李萬斌配售9.28億股新股,交易完 ...全文


投資光伏 不再中伏

... 能源(03800)及卡姆丹克太陽能(00712)中期業績的寫照。 較有意思的政策是,為紓解日益嚴峻的環境問題, ...全文

今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2015年10月17日

五中遲啲開 光伏先起動

... 757)上漲逾5%,卡姆丹克太陽能(00712)亦上升超過4%。 券商唱好中資電訊股 有報道指,國資委旗下的國 ...全文



... 50)上漲7.5%,卡姆丹克太陽能(00712)亦升4.29%;其他如信義光能(00968)升1.94%,保利 ...全文


Will spotlight on clean-energy stocks be sustained?

The mainland and Hong Kong stock markets have been moving sideways recently, prompting investors to switch from heavyweight stocks into sectors with potential to attract government support. This will ...More

EJ Insight2015-03-04

Tencent tumbles again just ahead of results

The falls continued Monday for Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) as weaker overseas sentiment put a downer on stocks. After tumbling nearly 5 percent last week, the HSI gave up another 65 po ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-17

Policy push shines light on solar plays

Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) ended a volatile trading session Wednesday, the first day of the National People's Congress's annual session.  The HSI climbed as much as 181 points in the ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-05

HSI strengthens but Lenovo down for the week

Hong Kong shares closed higher on Thursday as Tencent (00700.HK) rebounded 2.8 percent. The benchmark Hang Seng Index (HSI) added 174 points or 0.78 percent to finish at 22,568. For the week, the HSI ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-21

HSI hits four-month low as market sentiment turns sour

Hong Kong shares continued their slide on Friday as investors took their cue from significant declines in overseas markets overnight. The Hang Seng Index gave up 283 points or 1.25 percent to close at ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-24

Mainland lenders rebound on fresh liquidity injection

Chinese lenders regained favor on Tuesday after the nation's central bank injected a fresh round of liquidity into the market. Hong Kong's benchmark Hang Seng Index closed 104 points or 0.45 percent h ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-21

HSI directionless but handset and solar plays shine

Hong Kong stocks ended Monday without any clear direction, but investors piled into handset manufacturers and solar plays. The Hang Seng Index rose 42 points or 0.19 percent to close at 22,888 points. ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-13

Solar plays come to life on extra local subsidies

The sun has shone on solar plays since the Shanghai Securities News reported Wednesday that lower-level mainland governments plan to launch their own subsidy schemes on top of the national scheme anno ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-09

Shipping, casino plays drive HSI higher

Hong Kong stocks closed higher Monday, bolstered by gaming plays and shipping counters. The benchmark Hang Seng Index rose 68 points, or 0.29 percent, to 23,881 points. The Hang Seng China Enterprises ...More

EJ Insight2013-12-09

Solar gets a lift but HSI searches for direction

The Hong Kong stock market struggled for direction Monday as investors waited for HSBC (00005.HK) to release its quarterly report card. The benchmark index Heng Sang Index dropped 0.26 percent, or 60 ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-04

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