
共 1929 個結果
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After huge win, pan-dems urge govt to act on people's demands

Democratic Party chairman Wu Chi-wai urged the administration to listen to the voice of the people as expressed in the landslide victory of the pan-democrats in Sunday's District Council elections. Sp ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-26


噚日終於都頂唔順走咗去睇醫生,最正嘅係喺診所見到隔離team同事,佢比我更早落去睇醫生(正確嚟講係未開門佢就喺 ...全文


Fed shows little appetite for bold policy change sought by Trump

As US Federal Reserve officials hone their monetary policy playbook in preparation for the next economic downturn, it appears they will eschew more controversial approaches tried by other global centr ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-21

Westpac accused of 23 million money laundering law breaches

Regulators on Wednesday accused Australia’s Westpac Banking Corp. of 23 million breaches of anti-money laundering laws, saying the bank ignored red flags and enabled payments from convicted child sex ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-20


西證香港期貨副總裁馮時裕認為時至11月中,本地氣溫已漸見涼意,北方的氣溫想必更為清涼,作為農夫莊稼的工作也步入 ...影片


辱罵、推撞、拘捕...警記關係日趨緊張 記者:警方欠一個道歉!

「我哋無叫你黑警,點解你要叫我哋黑記?」「我諗咗好耐應唔應該接受訪問…因為記者從來唔係新聞主角…但如果新聞自由 ...影片


Coty takes US$600 million bet on Kylie Jenner's beauty brands

Coty Inc. said it will pay US$600 million for a majority stake in Kylie Jenner’s make-up and skincare businesses, as it looks to tap into the reality TV star’s huge social media reach, Reuters reports ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-19


今朝起身如常開電視睇新聞,一開見到個畫面,除咗火光紅紅之外,就真係只有火光紅紅。 戰友Jack每日都比我更早返 ...全文



噚日雖然揀咗隻恒指熊(66579)出嚟,不過講到明恒指向保歷加通道底出發,且SlowSTC(14,3)亦已嚴重 ...全文


Fed's Powell pushes back on negative interest rates

US Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on Wednesday told Congress that negative interest rates aren’t appropriate for the US economy at a time when it is enjoying growth, a strong labor market and ste ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-14

Tandem founder aims to take on banking giants

App-based bank Tandem, which plans to expand into Hong Kong before the end of the year, is determined to take on the giants in the financial industry and grow into a “trillion-dollar business”, its co ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

Disney+ debut hit by tech glitches, company blames demand

Walt Disney Co.’s long-awaited debut in the streaming media wars was hit with technical glitches that the company said were caused by higher-than-expected demand, Reuters reports. It was unclear how m ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

Trump says China trade deal 'close', offers no signing details

US President Donald Trump dangled the prospect of completing an initial trade deal with China “soon” but offered no new details on the negotiations, Reuters reports. Markets had been on edge about Tru ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

Aramco prospectus flags risks, gives few details on IPO size

Saudi state oil giant Aramco will sell up to 0.5 percent of its shares to individual retail investors and will be restricted from issuing additional shares for a year after the initial public offering ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11

2019區選應否如期舉行? 市民話...

想用選票「懲罰」候選人,首先選舉要如期舉行。但反修例風波引發的衝突仍未平息,今屆區議會選舉會否「破天荒」被DQ ...影片



噚日朝早11點15分時,見港交所(00388)5分鐘圖SlowSTC(14,3)落到嚴重超賣位;11點30分先 ...全文


Taiwan warns of possible attack if China slowdown worsens

Beijing could resort to military conflict with self-ruled Taiwan to divert domestic pressure if a slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy amid the trade war threatens the legitimacy of the Chin ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07

Britain's PM Johnson launches election campaign

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to fire up supporters with a Brexit rallying cry on Wednesday after the first day of his election campaign was marred by a ministerial resignation, a gaffe a ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07


噚日下晝收市之後相信有好多香港人唔係等收工,而係等杜汶澤VS陳百祥嘅世紀之戰,呢個live最高峰有超過27萬人 ...全文



曾在報章頭版賣廣告、聲稱「千萬尋一路」以解決香港現況的「尋路人有限公司」,終公布幕後金主,為東華三院總理之一、 ...全文


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