The US House of Representatives will launch a formal impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump over reports he sought foreign help to smear a political rival. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announc ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-25
US President Donald Trump on Monday denied trying to coerce Ukraine into investigating his Democratic political rival Joe Biden, but wavered about whether he would release a transcript of a phone call ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-24
美國總統特朗普近日被告密者揭發,指他向烏克蘭總統施壓,要求調查前副總統拜登。國會參議院民主黨領袖舒默(Chuc ...全文
美國眾議院監督及改革委員會對運輸部長趙小蘭【圖】展開利益衝突調查,周一要求她提交與家族航運公司的往來文件,稱有 ...全文
美國網媒Quartz上周五(13日)報道,據美國國務院上周三(11日)發布的文件顯示,主管國際安全與防擴散局( ...全文
據《紐約時報》報道,根據該報看到的信件內容,美國參議員Chuck Schumer和Tom Cotton將要求聯 ...全文
Police fired tear gas to disperse protesters in Causeway Bay on Sunday, one of many violent incidents that took place over the weekend as the unrest in Hong Kong escalated. Police moved on protesters ...More
EJ Insight2019-09-09
美國民主黨籍國會參議院少數黨領袖舒默(Chuck Schumer)表示,參議院下周復會後,香港問題是民主黨優先 ...全文
美國總統特朗普進一步將中美貿易談判與香港局勢問題綑綁,他表明,若北京以暴力鎮壓香港,如重演另一場天安門事件,將 ...全文
A prominent US senator warned China on Tuesday that Hong Kong could lose its special US trade status if Beijing intervenes directly to crack down on pro-democracy protests in the city, Reuters reports ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-14
針對媒體報道美參議院共和黨領袖麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)等日前發表「暴力鎮壓不可接受」、「北京 ...全文
美國參議院多數黨領袖麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)表示,若北京對香港示威作任何武力鎮壓,都是完全不 ...全文
得州兩名白人騎警上周六拘捕一名黑人男子,其中一名警員當眾以繩索押解疑犯,引發公憤。有民權律師批評警方所為,指這 ...全文
77歲美國參議院多數黨領袖麥康奈爾(Mitch McConnell)周日在寓所跌倒,導致肩膀骨折,經治療後無大 ...全文
Army Secretary Mark Esper was sworn in as US secretary of defense on Tuesday, hours after being confirmed by the Senate in a strong bipartisan vote that ended the longest period by far the Pentagon ha ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-24
美國眾議院周二通過決議案,譴責總統特朗普近日針對民主黨4名少數族裔女議員的種族歧視言論。在4名共和黨議員倒戈下 ...全文