電盈(00008)公布,去年純利跌30.7%,至22.95億元,撇除盈大地產(00432)業務,核心純利升23 ...全文
Another passenger has been injured after crashing into the glass door of a moving double-decker bus from the Kowloon Motor Bus Co. Ltd. The accident occurred in Tsim Sha Tsui on Wednesday morning, No ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-17
Holden Chow Ho-ding has hit out at rival Alvin Yeung Ngok-kiu for encouraging Hongkongers to “go into battle”, a slogan Yeung used in his campaign for the Legislative Council by-election in New Territ ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-16
容我先戴上頭盔,這文章並非為港鐵護航,這間巨無霸企業仍然有很多爭議未解決,由年年加價、到工程滯後超支,公眾和議 ...全文
就算你和我一樣,除了每四年一次看看世界盃之外,平時絕不睇波,你都可能聽過「足金金猴」疑似講粗口事件。案發於20 ...全文
網媒「毛記電視」早前舉辦的「第一屆十大勁曲金曲分獎典禮」在網絡上迴響相當大,在Facebook不斷「洗板」,活 ...全文
《明報》母公司世界華文媒體(00685)早前停牌並公布,可能向潛在投資者出售萬華媒體(00426)的股份,江湖 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2016年01月16日
四年一度的世界盃乃電視台必爭之地,不過,今次贏家不再是電視廣播(00511)(TVB)或有線寬頻(01097) ...全文
Hundreds of thousands of Hongkongers watched with delight on their smartphones and television screens on Monday night the first live TV show produced by satirical magazine 100Most. People laughed and ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-12
Hong Kong universities are, without doubt, suffering from political intervention. There have been several indications that Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying's administration aims to clean up the univer ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-30
Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying is said to have called on members of the commercial sector in several private functions recently to cease making donations to local universities, Now TV reported Monday ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-29
Hongkong Post has spoken. The royal insignia on postboxes will be nowhere in sight in the near future. Hong Kong Post issued a statement Friday, which happens to be Love Post Day, ending speculation o ...More
EJ Insight2015-10-09
Leshi Internet Information & Technology Corp. (Letv, 300104.CN) is slashing a planned private placement to 4.8 billion yuan (US$752 million) amid China's volatile stock market. The company is plan ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-25
Hong Kong football fans have watched the broadcast rights for the English Premier League (EPL) change hands from one local TV station to another in the past 10 years. It has been so predictable they c ...More
EJ Insight2015-09-23