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金紫荊再被佔領 警拘26人
習近平棄君悅住萬麗 會展一帶嚴陣布防

... 標語,要求人大撤回「831」決定,以及釋放諾貝爾和平獎得主、內地民運人士劉曉波,最後警方逐一把示威者帶走。 領 ...全文


臚列5年成果 稱工作量大不容易

... 出政改方案;但對人大831決定、立法會大比數否決方案,政改失敗的結果竟無着墨。 因政改而引發的佔領運動,也被另 ...全文


高空太極 紓壓無敵

... 損失142億澳元(約831億港元),部分企業鼓勵員工習太極減壓。(路透圖片)   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global金錢圖譜2017年05月06日

普選無望抗爭無效 泛民新世代怎麼辦

... 取特首真普選,或推翻831決定(間中說說無妨)。但這不等於泛民接受收編,做二等建制。泛民可以將政治訴求的精力加 ...全文


Thank God, our lawmakers are finally able to agree on something

... inst the “831 Resolution” during the visit as he always did on similar occasions in the past. In fact, not only did “Long Hair” behave so well; the pan-democrats and pro-establishment members of the d ...More

EJ Insight2017-04-19


... 位支持政府,包括例如831決定,是理所當然的事。假如某位入局的民主黨員保留黨籍,這對政府是成功招降納叛的好事, ...全文


Lam wins by a wide margin

... k of the “831 decision” made by the National People's Congress Standing Committee. On housing and land:-- Build new homes available exclusively to local first-time homebuyers-- Increase the supply of ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-26


... 2伙,累售單位增至約831伙,總套現超過77億元。 柏傲灣位於荃灣愉景新城商場的售樓處昨早11時半開始進行揀樓 ...全文


Beijing trusts Carrie Lam more than Tsang and Woo

...  for the "831 resolution" and her hard-line stance on the Occupy Movement in 2014 have undoubtedly given her a definite advantage over Tsang in terms of political trustworthiness, from Beijing's persp ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-16

Priority tasks for the next CE

... view the "831 Resolution" in the foreseeable future, why not shelve it for now and start with reforming the Legco election first? No matter who is elected in the end, I sincerely hope that our leaders ...More

EJ Insight2017-03-09

Low popularity could derail Carrie Lam's CE bid

... e to the “831 Resolution” throughout the Occupy Central movement. In pushing ahead with a Forbidden City museum in the West Kowloon Cultural District, she has also shown her competence as a leader who ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-16

Fortune may yet smile on retired judge Woo

... rted the “831 Resolution”, hasn't drawn any criticism from Beijing's official mouthpieces, suggesting his plan could be taken seriously by Beijing. I suspect Woo's political reform proposal was not hi ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-15

How pro-democracy camp can justify endorsing John Tsang

... so-called 831 Resolution of the National People's Congress Standing Committee in pursuing political reform. Endorsing Tsang, some argue, would not only betray their own democratic ideals, but also fai ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-09

Long Hair should step back from the race

... with the "831 framework" set out by the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC) as the starting point.  The pan-democrats are resolutely opposed to the proposed legislation of Article 23 ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-08

John Tsang unveils Singapore-style election platform

... said the “831 decision” would be the starting point. The “831 decision” refers to the framework on political reform set out by the National People’s Congress Standing Committee on Aug. 31, 2014. The e ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-08


... 一眾「薯粉」來說,「831」、「23」這些數字似乎與他們無干,薯片政綱一出,沒什麼負皮,照樣有網民讚,例如留言 ...全文



... 政綱會否回應廢除人大831框架的訴求,然後才作決定,隨時可能不作提名。 總之,泛民取態不一,300多人並非個個 ...全文


Current election farce could have been worse

Where would we be now if the democrats had gone along with the constitutional reform proposals contained in the infamous 831 resolution of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee? The answer ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-03

Political reform: Why not start with the easy part?

... n by the “831 Resolution” by the National People's Congress Standing Committee (NPCSC). Retired judge Woo Kwok-hing is the only one who has come up with a clear and detailed roadmap toward universal s ...More

EJ Insight2017-02-02

Democracy is an end in itself

... so-called 831 Resolution and throwing their weight behind Tsang. In fact, members of the pro-democracy camp are split over whether to compromise on their opposition to the "831 Resolution”, which refe ...More

EJ Insight2017-01-27

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