... ave, Grow Act,要求削減政府開支,民主黨批評這樣做等同取消拜登任內幾乎所有開支方面的標誌性施政。拜 ...全文
... ave, Grow Act,要求削減政府開支,民主黨批評這樣做等同取消拜登任內幾乎所有開支方面的標誌性施政。拜 ...全文
... urist attraction or a place for high adventure, the Himalayas play a crucial role in regulating the planet’s climate. They are also the source of fresh water for billions of people and for the region’ ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-16
... e Strikes Act of 2023),要求美國國防部制定旨在保護印太地區美軍基地防空設施的掩體計劃,以 ...全文
... structure Act)在10年內為道路、橋樑和新綠色電網的電纜提供1.2萬億元(美元.下同);《晶片法案 ...全文
... nt’s manufacturing index (indicating a possible recession) – may lead to a rebalancing of US monetary policy, triggering a depreciation of the dollar. This, in turn, would greatly reduce the pressure ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-12
歐洲議會下月將表決旨在監管人工智能(AI)技術的法案AI Act,周四先就將兩項修正案表決,分別禁止在街道和公 ...全文
... quisition Act),授權政府出於公共目的(public purpose)徵用土地,以提供民居、發展工 ...全文
... line News Act,簡稱C-18法案),要求fb等平台向本地新聞機構分享利潤。英國前副首相、現為Met ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2023年05月10日
... 按自己的方式行事」(act on their own terms)。 換言之,即使西方表面團結,全球影響力已減 ...全文
... Fragility Act),以防止暴力衝突,並增進世界各地的穩定。這項在兩黨廣泛支持下頒布的法律,授權官員重 ...全文
名家論壇Project Syndicate2023年05月05日
... d Science Act),被視為資助美國企業抗衡中國科技發展的重要議案。 舒默周三稱,期望參議院民主共和兩 ...全文
... nt, truly act in the interests of their own future and that of humanity and jointly manage the crisis.” This is interesting because Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons after it became independent in 1 ...More
EJ Insight2023-05-02
... leading factor in the declines in commercial property values so far. Ructions amid US regional banks, which play a big part in US commercial real estate lending, will cause further declines. Meanwhil ...More
EJ Insight2023-04-28
... l Reserve Act),改正其功能及權力。 重組需時,筆者預期把全球債務重組的「大重置」前,聯儲局難以出 ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2023年04月28日
... n and attraction. However, this approach comes with risks, and it is the risk of parochialism. As law makers become more responsible and thus willing to support government initiatives the risk is they ...More
EJ Insight2023-04-27
Climate policy is at a critical juncture. The world’s leading scientists see a rapidly closing window to avoid the worst ravages of global warming. With the enactment of the Inflation Reduction Act (I ...More
EJ Insight2023-04-27