基金公司Argyle Street Management Ltd.(ASML)去年買入一批中華汽車(00026 ...全文
... ment Ltd.(ASML)以股東身份,今年初向中巴董事會發信,要求動用現金回購股份和增加派息。消息人士透露 ...全文
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. said it sold shares in four companies including ASML Holding NV and Seagate Technology Plc to free up money for additional investments for its core businesses. The technol ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-19
... rp)及荷蘭半導體商ASML在內4家科企的持股,錄得超過1萬億韓圜(約69億港元)收益,將用於核心業務投資。據 ...全文
ASML Holding NV, one of the biggest producers of chipmaking equipment, agreed to buy Taiwan-based Hermes Microvision Inc. for about NT$100 billion (US$3.1 billion) to add technology for creating small ...More
EJ Insight2016-06-17
荷蘭晶片製造設備生產商ASML昨天宣布,斥資1000億元新台幣(約239億港元),收購台灣同業漢民微測科技(下 ...全文