5月16日,周三。上星期六拜讀美股大行家姚穎謙君「上善若水」專欄,標題為〈AT&T業績難懂 轉勢未是時 ...全文
路透引述獨家消息稱,美國有線電視巨擘Comcast正與投資銀行商討,希望把過渡性融資金額大幅提高600億美元, ...全文
美股進入業績期,但是未能擺脫上落市的局面,一眾科網股雖然業績甚佳,例如亞馬遜、Netflix、Google母公 ...全文
T-Mobile行政總裁萊熱爾(John Legere),早在2014年就曾在Twitter上形容Sprint ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2018年05月02日
... nalysts that the recent US tax overhaul would have a positive impact, and the combined company would not be a significant taxpayer until 2025. T-Mobile and Sprint said they expected to complete their ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-30
美國電訊營運商Sprint與T-Mobile周日宣布,兩家公司已簽署一項合併協議,合併後的新巨頭規模達到146 ...全文
負責制訂電訊業標準的GSMA宣布,因應美國政府機構的調查,推遲引入新手機技術。 上周五,有報道指美國政府部門正 ...全文
... grounds that they pose a risk to US national security, the Shenzhen-based firms find themselves in a situation where they need to rethink their business plans and operational strategy. Sanctions from ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-19
... urity threat to US telecoms networks, which will likely hurt both ZTE and rival Chinese smartphone maker Huawei Technologies. The moves threaten to further complicate relations between the United Stat ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-18
... res and that there were “inaccuracies” in a 2017 letter. But, the Commerce order said, ZTE “argued that it would have been irrational for ZTE to knowingly or intentionally mislead the US government i ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-17