Apple is a market leader when it comes to smartphones, tablets and wearables, generating tremendous market response from consumers. However, HomePod, the smart speaker it launched early this year, has ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-18
The news that Apple plans to develop its own chips for its Mac computers, instead of relying on external parties, is not so surprising. The technology giant has done the same thing on its iPhone, iPa ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-04
瑞士巴塞爾鐘錶珠寶展正在舉行,瑞士鐘錶界大老比韋(Jean-Claude Biver)接受BBC訪問時說,應該 ...全文
蘋果公司據報首次自行研發智能裝置屏幕,以擺脫對南韓三星電子的依賴。蘋果研發的是下一代最新MicroLED(微發 ...全文
有沒有想過蘋果Siri有一天突然跟你說:「David,你身體唔妥,快啲去睇醫生!」別以為這是天方夜譚,近年其實 ...全文
據廣州聯通微信公眾號透露,聯通(00762)將於周三(7日)在上海、天津、廣州、深圳、鄭州和長沙6個城市率先啟 ...全文
市場研究機構IDC指出,隨着競爭對手相繼退出市場,來自同行的競爭愈來愈少,蘋果公司(Apple)智能手錶App ...全文
美國巨企踩入醫療保健業,自己包辦員工醫療服務,逐漸成為風氣。繼亞馬遜(Amazon)1月底宣布與巴郡哈薩韋(B ...全文
Apple Inc.'s iPhone is showing signs of decline in the tech giant's latest results. Shipments of the company's flagship product during the shopping season at the end of last year recorded a year-on-ye ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-14
研究機構數據顯示,2017年第4季,蘋果智能手錶Apple Watch的出貨量,首次超過瑞士手錶的出口量。 市 ...全文
Hong Kong is one of the world's most competitive mobile communications markets with four mobile operators and more than 10 mobile virtual network operators competing in a city with a population of jus ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-07
總部設於瑞典的音樂串流網站Spotify,近日向紐約證交所遞交上市申請,惟其全球一哥地位正備受威脅。《華爾街日 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月06日
美國最大家電集團惠而浦宣布,今年初推出逾20款具備與Apple Watch連接功能的家庭電器。 根據公告,上述 ...全文
在英特爾(Intel)、AMD等晶片商的處理器爆出安全問題後,蘋果承認旗下所有Mac電腦和iOS裝置,即iPh ...全文
英特爾(Intel)、AMD及ARM的晶片被揭發存在漏洞。蘋果公司證實,除Apple Watch之外,所有Ma ...全文
Running is fast becoming the most popular way to exercise in Hong Kong. There are nearly 150 running competitions in the city this year, including long-distance, marathon and trail runs. That compares ...More
EJ Insight2017-11-30
外電報道,蘋果已經向美國監管機構提出可摺疊屏幕專利的申請,外界估計可能會先應用在智能手錶Apple Watch ...全文