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晶片股頻預警收入 納指挫1.19%

... ath & Beyond及AMC分別急挫14.2%及6.3%。 美市收市,道指跌幅收窄至58點,標指下 ...全文


道指收市升29點 標指納指回軟

... ath & Beyond股價跳升39.83%,AMC亦飆8.03%。 大摩料反彈高峰期已過 摩根士丹利 ...全文


通脹預期回落 美股亢奮短癮

... ath & Beyond股價跳升39.83%,AMC飆8.03%。 美股收市,三大指數表現各異,道指報 ...全文


Beyond Meat次季虧損擴大 削4%人手

市場對人造肉興趣降低,人造肉生產商Beyond Meat公布,截至6月底止第二季虧損9710萬元(美元‧下同) ...全文


Four recommendations for I&T development in Hong Kong

... ased meat Beyond Meat listed in New York. The company has demonstrated how to put eggs in multiple baskets. Among Hong Kong’s four key areas, FinTech should have great potential. As an international f ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-03


... ,才能得到絕無可疑(beyond doubt)的知識。笛卡兒正是通過懷疑一切而得到絕無可疑的真理:「我思故我在 ...全文



... 我的存在是絕無可疑(beyond doubt)的,不可能是被欺騙的。」 聖奧古斯丁翻來覆去講的只是:一切都可懷 ...全文


The Great Lease Resignation

... es go far beyond financial savings alone. The power to retain talent Another essential factor is the urgent need to retain talent in the face of what’s widely known as ‘the Great Resignation’, highlig ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

沃爾瑪降盈測 股價即插8%
通脹蠶食購買力 服裝電子類消費減

... ath & Beyond及Gap最近撤換了舵手。 可口可樂麥當勞季績勝預期 其他消費企業方面,可口可樂 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月27日

How an abortion case turns the screw on Big Tech

The United States Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe vs. Wade has firmly engulfed American society in heated debates. Beyond the strife on the volte-face of abortion right, this epochal c ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-26

利園協會董彥鈞 情牽銅鑼灣
連繫商戶共建社區 凝聚人情味

... 新月異,就如本地樂隊Beyond名曲《誰伴我闖蕩》歌詞中兩句:「其實你與昨日的我,活到今天變化甚多」,銅鑼灣更 ...全文


The health code must not perpetuate COVID-stigma

... sibility. Beyond that, any ensuing disasters, whether it is economic or social, would put our government in an invidious position for skating around this problem. Too many factitious attacks against t ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-19

The dollar rules

... re today) beyond this year. As a very successful macro-fund manager once said to me, if there is one thing that you can be sure about with the Fed, it is that it will change its views at some point. A ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-13

Prime Minister’s minions

... ze. It is beyond belief that any of those who supported him, publicly defended his mendacity and dishonesty, did not in their quiet moments ask themselves what in God’s name they thought they were abo ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-11


... ath & Beyond 股價在2013年達到頂峰後,現在仍下跌了近95%。 在 1958 年,上市公 ...全文



投身紮作40年,夏中建作品多不勝數,包括曾為樂隊Beyond已故主音黃家駒造紙紮鋼琴,以及已故天后梅艷芳喪禮上 ...全文


Cheesecake Factory疫下屹立不倒之謎

... ng point, beyond which an inflationary psychology sprea ...全文


What makes a nation?

... o jail or beyond; the ability to enforce and decree property rights. Such is the nature of the modern-state, at least. Yet when it comes to the nation, things get murky. The nation, unlike the state, ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-04

The politics of hope

... iscerally beyond reach. Now don’t get me wrong, ideals and principles certainly have a role to play in politics. But the incessant pursuit of them – even in face of circumstances and facts that astute ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

Building smart villages to achieve sustainable prosperity

... delivery. Beyond traditional e-commerce, online connectivity provides opportunities for talented young people to earn income through microwork – the completion of small online tasks that, together wit ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-29

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