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Tesla攻中檔 18萬人搶訂
Model 3入門價27萬 明年交貨

電動車生產商Tesla周四發布其首款中價汽車型號Model 3,入門價僅3.5萬美元(約27.3萬港元),進軍 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年04月02日

云爾錄 :運輸署允半自動駕駛功能

運輸署昨日公布,批准有關自動行車線轉換及自動方向引導輔助駕駛兩功能,但仍受3個條件限制,若要在設有中央分隔欄的 ...全文


電動車成未來大趨勢 抓緊機遇

無論是着眼於環球任何一個股市,投資者首要的方針應是判斷個別企業出現的變化,換言之是發掘該業務本身或公司經營環境 ...全文


電動車未來寵兒 捉緊機遇

無論是着眼於環球任何一個股市,投資者首要的方針應是判斷個別企業出現的變化。換言之,是發掘該業務本身或公司經營環 ...全文

今日信報理財投資行業微觀Mikhail Zverev2016年03月02日

Tesla vows to make money in 2016

Tesla Motors Inc. is promising investors it will start making money this year and will no longer be burning cash. Chief executive Elon Musk told a conference call the company is determined to cut cost ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-11

Infiniti港銷車 今年目標翻倍

總部設於香港的豪華車品牌英菲尼迪(Infiniti), 今年下半年擬在港推兩款新車,分別是Q30 Active ...全文



我見過,我真係見過!說的是風靡全球近10年、曾被視為「最潮」象徵的蘋果iPhone,正被見證着步入衰退期, 上 ...全文


Elon Musk reiterates Mars mission ambitions

Elon Musk, founder of private spaceflight company Space Exploration Technologies Corp. (SpaceX), said on Tuesday that his firm aims to put humans on Mars by 2025. The billionaire entrepreneur, who is ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-27


被喻為「真實版Iron Man」的Tesla和SpaceX創辦人馬斯克(Elon Musk)旋風來港,昨早出席 ...全文


Tesla wants factory in China this year

Tesla Motors Inc. chief executive Elon Musk hopes to have a factory in China to produce electric vehicles by the middle of this year. Musk told tech website Engadget the company is "doing reasonably w ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-26

Tesla下半年港售Model X

美國電動車公司特斯拉(Tesla)創辦人兼行政總裁馬斯克(Elon Musk)昨現身香港,他透露旗下電動SUV ...全文



現年45歲的Elon Musk毋庸置疑是我們這一輩的傳奇,從PayPal到SpaceX再到Tesla,關於他的 ...全文


Tesla勉強達標 出貨預期下限

電動車製造商Tesla周日宣布,去年及上季的出貨數字僅勉強達到公司預測數字的下限。 Tesla去年共賣出5.0 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月05日

Porsche building Tesla killer

Porsche AG has unveiled a 1 billion euro (US$1.09 billion) project to produce its first all-electric vehicle in a challenge Tesla Motors Inc. The battery-powered sports car will accelerate faster than ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-07

Tesla馬斯克闖太空 風光背後有血淚

近日,身兼電動車龍頭Tesla及太空探索科技公司(SpaceX)行政總裁的馬斯克(Elon Musk), 與亞 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2015年12月05日

Uber推平價uberX 搶的士生意

Uber宣布今天推出平價電召車服務uberX,最低收費僅30元,長途收費分分鐘平過的士。不過,Uber全線提高 ...全文



AXA安盛與Tesla昨天聯合宣布, 推出針對Tesla電動汽車Model S的全新汽車保險方案,其中因充電而 ...全文


Undercover mission: Racing against the extinction of species

Humans are wiping out species faster than scientists can record their existence, said Louie Psihoyos, director of the 2010 Oscar-winning documentary The Cove. Feeling a pressing need to safeguard the ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-28

Govt issues warning on Tesla auto-steering system

The Transport Department has warned owners and drivers of Tesla electric cars in Hong Kong against using the company's new autopilot system, saying that it has not yet received local regulatory approv ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-30

Tesla's new China gambit: Cars with 'bioweapon defense'

If you have the gold standard to which all luxury cars are compared but your sales in China are still embarrassing, you don't have much choice. You either abandon the market with your tail between you ...More

EJ Insight2015-10-27

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