
共 1010 個結果
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HK taxi industry should adopt reliable digital payment system

... lipay HK, Tap and Go as well as taxi booking smartphone apps such as HKTaxi and Didi Chuxing are doing their bit to encourage cabbies to accept credit cards or mobile wallet payments to settle fares. ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

日銀行撐腰 Takeda併Shire

... ries Ltd合組TAP Pharmaceuticals,1985年推出治療前列腺癌及乳癌的荷爾蒙藥Lupr ...全文


Poll shows public concern over PPP model for housing development

Many Hongkongers have concerns over the so-called public-private partnership (PPP) model that would allow the government to tap idle private farmland in the New Territories for residential development ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-25

Azalvo aims to help fashion startups, designers find their feet

... firms can tap into years of experience of the Azalvo team and its suite of services, she said. More than a co-working space for fashion firms and designers, Azalvo claims to cover every need for its r ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-23

Uber HK: We are willing to cooperate with local taxi trade

... n jointly tap the e-hailing market. I believe creating a healthy communication with the local taxi industry is the prerequisite for cooperation. And for Uber, we are considering how we can use our tec ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-19

Why Country Garden boss is obsessed with project devt speed

... fforts to tap the market segment. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on April 18 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-19

Jasper Tsang’s 'mission' and Qiao’s 'coincidence'

... , Beijing tapped the highly popular Tsang for the "mission" to raise the awareness of national security in Hong Kong. Among the guest speakers in the event were director of Beijing’s liaison office in ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-18

Can we not just pay to protect the privacy of our data?

... ompany to tap advertising dollars. Facebook users naturally want to have control of their personal data, but a paid version of Facebook may take some time before it becomes a reality, if ever it does. ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-12

Shyp, 'the Uber for shipping', is packing up

... advice of tapping into the corporate market. Instead, he focused on the consumer market, aiming to widen its service coverage. “It clouded my judgment,” he said. Gibbon considered not developing the c ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-03

Foxconn unit to buy US peripherals maker Belkin for US$866 mln

... o further tap into premium accessories and the smart home market," and expand both companies' presence in the United States and other key markets globally, Belkin said. Tech media The Verge said the a ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-28

拍住賞夥銀聯 推雙幣預付卡

香港電訊(06823)旗下的Tap & Go「拍住賞」夥拍銀聯國際,推出香港首個雙幣手機錢包「拍住賞」 ...全文


Tap & Go夥銀聯推預付卡

香港電訊(06823)旗下Tap & Go「拍住賞」,與銀聯國際推出「拍住賞」銀聯預付卡。 該銀聯預付 ...全文


維園花展今開幕 40萬奇葩喜迎賓

... 可以透過手機應用程式Tap & Go「拍住賞」購票。市民可在維園會場入口處,即場購買入場券或使用八達通 ...全文


‘China’s Airbnb’ partners with Agoda to tap overseas markets

Xiaozhu, regarded as China's answer to Airbnb, is ramping up efforts to expand overseas in a bid to cash in on the travel boom. The country's leading home-sharing startup announced it has entered into ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-15

Can mobile payment take off in Hong Kong taxis?

With the mobile payment battle heating up in Hong Kong, the taxi market has come under renewed focus with almost all key players seeking to tap into the largely unoccupied segment.  The e-payment syst ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-06

Nations may dump US debt in case of global trade war: analysts

...  needs to tap the capital markets more than ever, in greater size, to pay for the plentiful tax cuts passed a few months ago,” Kevin Giddis, head of fixed income capital markets with Raymond James in ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05

Will Huawei become the global market leader in 5G era?

... nation to tap the huge potential of the new mobile technology. Huawei’s first 5G smartphone is expected to be launched next year. It seems that Huawei has made itself very conspicuous at the Mobile Wo ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-28

5G: Kicking off the 'Megatech' era

...  world To tap the full potential of a fully connected world, we must find proper methods to handle the huge data flows generated by billions of embedded chips. 5G is likely to be the key to achieving ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22

Taiwan invests in Israeli hi-tech, rides the startup wave

... s year to tap the nation's expertise in technological innovations and business models. "Taiwan can learn from Israel about using a minimum of resources to achieve the greatest technological innovation ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22

Taiwan invests in Israeli hi-tech, rides the startup wave

... s year to tap the nation's expertise in technological i ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2018年02月22日

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