
共 2907 個結果
頁數:1...16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ...146

Beware the populists

...  from the target of your persecution: hence the tendency of individuals, especially populists, in invoking shibboleths and visceral distinctions to ground their campaigns of harassment.We live in an e ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-16

Climate accountability now

... reduction targets as soon as this year. In concrete terms, those who still have not set Paris-aligned 2030 targets should do so by COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh this November. While all countries must fast ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-15

Fraud abroad: How SMBs can expand globally and stay secure

... ently the target of these kinds of attacks due to lack or limited resources dedicated to fraud protection, and those that sell internationally can be exposed to even greater threat vectors if they do ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-14

A balanced response to inflation

... bank’s 2% target – a rate for which there is no economic justification. Any honest account of current inflation must carry a big disclaimer: Because we haven’t been through something like this before, ...More

EJ Insight2022-02-08

Fed under pressure to tighten rates more rapidly

... ve the 2% target and the unemployment rate falls below the Fed’s estimate of NAIRU (the unemployment rate that can be sustained without causing inflation to rise) throughout the whole period. In short ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-31

Minimize the impact of ransomware attack

... e a prime target and enabler in the highly profitable world of cybercrime. It’s also a target for bad actors looking to harm a business. As a result, organisations are constantly fending off a range o ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-28

Rising cyber exposure in maritime calls for urgent action

Cyber-attacks targeting the marine sector, and critical infrastructure more broadly, are growing rapidly across the world and in Asia. As the maritime industry undergoes rapid digitalisation, ransomwa ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-25

How Facebook became the opium of the masses

... to “micro-target” its 2.9 billion users. In this way, Facebook allows third parties to manipulate minds and trade in “human futures”: predictive models of the choices individuals’ likely will make. Ar ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-21

【輪證贏家】恒指彈高 「人道」對Put

... 追入,所以問我跟住個target set喺邊好,好簡單,因為買入原因係以日線圖10天線有支持而入貨嘛,咁掉返轉 ...全文



... ey supply target(貨幣供應量目標)理論者。他不理會利率是否升上20厘、失業率是否惡化,甚至美國 ...全文


【EJFQ信析】儲局跳級轉鷹 縮表未具條件

... se in the target range for the federal funds rate also ...全文


儲局跳級轉鷹 縮表未具條件

... se in the target range for the federal funds rate also ...全文


Fed tipped to hike rates early 2022

... ck to the target level. Meanwhile, employment-to-population ratio would stay below pre-Covid trend levels. The bank expects two more 25 basis points hikes in 2023 and one in 2024. -- Contact us at eng ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-06

環球經濟回暖 通脹來勢洶洶

... 商如沃爾瑪、家得寶和Target較以往提早進貨,為年底的購物旺季做準備,部分更租用自家貨船運貨。 此外,企業還 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021大事回顧──國金篇2021年12月30日

Does Japan vindicate modern monetary theory?

... al bank’s target (generally around 2%). MMT’s boosters cite Japan as proof of concept. Even though Japan’s debt-to-GDP ratio (including both central and local government) is above 250%, compared to 16 ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

Financial education key to sustaining retail investing boom

... umers. To target long-term profitability, maturing fintech companies now need a wider array of products to attract new users and retain early adopters. For instance, zero commission offerings – mostly ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

Four digital scams to avoid ahead of the festival season

...  Scammers target your heart by making up a story about needing money for an emergency, or request ‘loans’ from the dating prospect, citing they have trouble cashing a cheque at a critical moment. Wise ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-22

Water as an asset class

... tion. The target markets are in the water-deprived Middle East and North Africa. The project is scalable and relies on established technologies and infrastructures being deployed in an innovative and ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-17


... ,我們應從目標受眾(target audience)的視角出發,深入並客觀思考一個問題:西式民主能否為發展中國 ...全文


Can Hong Kong’s education system prevent ‘involution’?

... g the 60% target at the beginning of Hong Kong’s handover. It is fair to say that Hong Kong’s higher education is no longer reserved for the social elite. As graduates’ number increases, competition i ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-13

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