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A global trade war won’t happen, hopefully

... ashington ups the game to over US$400 billion, it could cost over 1 percent of the nation’s GDP. China can expand domestic consumption and offset the loss through trade with other nations. Unfortunate ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-05

Alibaba, Tencent lead 10 billion yuan investment in CMC

... eking tie-ups with state-backed firms under Beijing’s mixed-ownership reforms. Telecoms group China Unicom (00762.HK) raised US$11.7 billion from a dozen investors including Alibaba and Tencent last y ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-03


... 及速遞公司聯合包裹(UPS)等。 文件披露,另外5間公司於上述時間亦享有存取用戶朋友資料的有限度權限,因為它們 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年07月03日

The difference between feeling low and clinical depression

Living means facing all kinds of challenges and feeling all sorts of pressures. Everyone has their ups and downs. Nowadays, people know more about mental illness, and they are more willing to seek med ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-29


... 購帝國正在聯合包裹(UPS)和聯邦快遞(FedEx)等生意夥伴外,加速建構自家全國送貨網絡,進一步加強對自身業 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年06月29日

Carrie Lam popularity may continue downward trend: HKU poll

... here were ups and downs during the period. Her rating stood at 54.3 points this month, around 11 percent down from a peak of 61.1, which was seen in July last year, her first month in office, HKUPOP’s ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-26

Project management: Waterfall vs Agile approach

...  by start-ups and tech firms. Agile is an iterative, team-based approach to development, and it can respond quickly to an unpredictable environment. I’m not saying agile model is better than waterfall ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-25


... mon)、聯合包裹(UPS)主席David Abney、輝瑞營運總監Albert Bourla,習近平承諾中國 ...全文


MTR bosses admit responsibility for scandals, dodge resign call

...  of cover-ups", noting that it has a good and long history. He said MTR cannot urge Leighton Contractors (Asia), the main contractor for the SCL project,  to answer publicly on the construction scanda ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-22

UPS斥10億 拓天然氣車隊

全球最大速遞公司聯合包裹(United Parcel Service,UPS)宣布,計劃投放1.3億美元(10 ...全文


A fruitless summit and an escalating trade conflict

...  for more ups and downs amid the heightening US-China trade row. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on June 15 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at engli ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-19

Empty homes tax: more show than substance

While the government appears to have its hands full in dealing with the raging scandals surrounding the slipshod work and suspected cover-ups at the MTR Shatin-to-Central Link, it is also working aggr ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-13

Questions remain unanswered over flaws in MTR station expansion

... he higher-ups under standard procedures. MTR has hired Wong Chi-ming, a registered structural engineer and geotechnical engineer who has more than 30 years of experience in the field, as an independen ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

Why Hong Kong is a vital hub for Sino-Israel trade

... 000 start-ups. "While the Chinese market holds great potential for Israeli start-ups, this market is extremely complex for Israeli high-tech companies, far more familiar with the US and European marke ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-31

France, Germany push for EU funding for tech start-ups

... ech start-ups, the report said.  "A joint effort is also needed to further improve the venture capital environment and regulations to allow successful market transfer of breakthrough innovations, as w ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-28

US team in N Korea as Trump reconsiders summit pullout

... iplomatic ups and downs over the prospects for an unprecedented US-North Korea summit, and the strongest sign yet that the two Koreas’ leaders are trying to keep the meeting on track, Reuters noted. I ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-28

Tencent steps into smart retail with Carrefour

... t has tie-ups with Yonghui Superstores, Wanda Group and Better Life Mall in the retail industry. Alibaba has made several acquisitions in the retail sector and is involved deeply in their operations, ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-25


... 創企業(Start-ups)吐氣揚眉。 Flipkart創辦人搖身變富豪 全球實體零售店「一哥」沃爾瑪宣布以1 ...全文


How M&A activities keep Tencent on fast-growth track

... out start-ups with good potential and boosting their chance of success by providing funding support as well as customer traffic. This is actually a low-risk strategy to participate in growth opportuni ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-17

Carousell launches e-wallet for complete in-app transactions

... oing meet-ups to hand over cash, Tech in Asia reports. Quek told Tech in Asia: “More than half of our sellers will end up buying items as well, so maybe it makes sense to have that money in the walle ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-16

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