
共 28 個結果
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無人駕駛錢路廣 英特爾貴買有理

... 購FPGA晶片生產商Altera後,去年第三季再出手併購人工智能軟件公司Nervana Systems和電腦視 ...全文


AI股風高浪急 鐵索連舟制勝

... 元收購FPGA生產商Altera及Nervana,擴大晶片功能,並力圖轉型至數據中心和物聯網(IoT)等新領域 ...全文


英特爾規模夠大 再貴也可放膽買

... 7億美元收購半導體商Altera,這宗交易也導致英特爾從去年淨持有90億美元現金,變成今年淨負債40億美元。 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月20日

Intel wraps up acquisition of rival Altera

Intel Corp. has completed its biggest acquisition with its US$16.7 billion acquisition of rival chip maker Altera Corp. The deal is past of a plan by Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich to use new ta ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-30

Tsinghua Unigroup eyeing US chipmaker Micron for US$23 bln

... al to buy Altera Corp. for about US$16.7 billion in cash. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-14

Connected cows, cars and crockery prod chip mega mergers

...  week for Altera Corp., and the US$12 billion NXP Semiconductors NV offered in March for Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. On Friday, Lattice Semiconductor Corp. said it was open to a sale. The Internet of ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

Intel to acquire Altera for US$16.7 bln

Intel Corp. has agreed to buy fellow chipmaker Altera Corp. in an all-cash transaction worth around US$16.7 billion. The world's largest chip maker announced Monday that it will offer US$54 per share ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-02

Intel said to be nearing US$15 bln deal for Altera

Intel Corp is close to reaching an agreement to buy fellow chipmaker Altera Corp. for about US$15 billion, the New York Post reported. The price could be for as much as US$54 a share, a 15 percent pre ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-29

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