
共 37 個結果
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【環宇搜股】大選變數多 金銀礦股有力抗震

... 57%,餘下是份額為Altera,Altera在2015年被英特爾(Intel)收歸旗下。 更得意喺,由於FP ...全文



... 格局,Xilinx和Altera佔據約90%全球市場,Xilinx目前市值約250億美元,中國地區收入佔約30 ...全文


5G晶片國產化 紫光國微受惠

... 業賽靈思及英特爾旗下Altera壟斷,單是內地市佔率達八成,內地廠商市場份額僅4%。隨着半導體轉至國產化,FP ...全文


Intel acquires Israeli AI startup Habana Labs for US$2 bln

...  Nervana, Altera and Mobileye, Reuters reported. Habana, an AI processor firm, was founded in 2016 and has offices in Tel Aviv, San Jose, Beijing and Gdansk, Poland. The startup has raised US$120 mill ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-17

美斬鏈中要害 華靠自家生態圈突圍

... 國公司Xilinx及Altera擁有全球FPGA九成市佔率,背後有超過6000項專利技術,而他們已按美國禁令中 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信觀點雷兆恒2019年05月25日


... 年以167億美元收購Altera後成立。 ...全文


中國「芯」梗塞 生態圈貧乏

... 國公司Xilinx及Altera擁有全球90%市佔率,背後有6000項專利技術,其他競爭者根本無從追趕。 如何 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 環地視野雷兆恆2018年05月12日


... 超過160億美元收購Altera來完成這個目標。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年04月20日


... 被Intel收購了的Altera。 不會由一家獨大 更大挑戰將來自CPU+ASIC(Application-S ...全文


無人駕駛錢路廣 英特爾貴買有理

... 購FPGA晶片生產商Altera後,去年第三季再出手併購人工智能軟件公司Nervana Systems和電腦視 ...全文


AI股風高浪急 鐵索連舟制勝

... 元收購FPGA生產商Altera及Nervana,擴大晶片功能,並力圖轉型至數據中心和物聯網(IoT)等新領域 ...全文


英特爾規模夠大 再貴也可放膽買

... 7億美元收購半導體商Altera,這宗交易也導致英特爾從去年淨持有90億美元現金,變成今年淨負債40億美元。 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年10月20日

Intel wraps up acquisition of rival Altera

Intel Corp. has completed its biggest acquisition with its US$16.7 billion acquisition of rival chip maker Altera Corp. The deal is past of a plan by Intel chief executive Brian Krzanich to use new ta ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-30

Tsinghua Unigroup eyeing US chipmaker Micron for US$23 bln

... al to buy Altera Corp. for about US$16.7 billion in cash. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RA ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-14

Connected cows, cars and crockery prod chip mega mergers

...  week for Altera Corp., and the US$12 billion NXP Semiconductors NV offered in March for Freescale Semiconductor Ltd. On Friday, Lattice Semiconductor Corp. said it was open to a sale. The Internet of ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-09

Intel to acquire Altera for US$16.7 bln

Intel Corp. has agreed to buy fellow chipmaker Altera Corp. in an all-cash transaction worth around US$16.7 billion. The world's largest chip maker announced Monday that it will offer US$54 per share ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-02

Intel said to be nearing US$15 bln deal for Altera

Intel Corp is close to reaching an agreement to buy fellow chipmaker Altera Corp. for about US$15 billion, the New York Post reported. The price could be for as much as US$54 a share, a 15 percent pre ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-29

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