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... 盈,部分原因是集團在Alumina Limited的權益錄得公允價值收益,在CITIC Canada Ener ...全文


尋頂炒憧憬 揀股望盈喜

... 亦預期虧轉盈以反映在Alumina投資及CITIC Canada Energy轉虧為盈;其餘高陽科技(0081 ...全文


Fate of global rare earth miners rests on China smuggling fight

... ing it as alumina or even washing powder," the report quoted Chen Zhanheng, vice secretary general of the Association of China Rare Earth Industry, as saying. The industry estimates that about 40,000 ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-08

China Resources says Qingdao metal probe may hit group

... s certain alumina and copper stored in bonded warehouses at Qingdao port. As a precautionary measure, it applied to the port city’s court and obtained sequestration orders in connection with the group ...More

EJ Insight2014-06-10

UC RUSAL reaches refinancing deal with creditors

... shin. The alumina maker will soon make arrangements with lenders over the remaining debt. The loss-making group had accrued US$10.1 billion in net liabilities as of the end of last year. After repayin ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-13

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