
共 32 個結果
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Google涉壟斷 歐盟重罰211億
搜尋引擎做手腳 推銷旗下格價網

Google被指觸犯歐盟反壟斷法,利用在搜尋引擎業務的優勢來推銷自己的格價網站,打擊對手,昨天被歐盟重罰24. ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年06月28日


擁有歐洲最暢銷報章德國《圖片報》(Bild)等報刊的德國傳媒集團Axel Springer周三公布,已入股召車 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2017年04月21日

區報沒落 整合頑抗

今年10月,蘇格蘭出版集團Johnston Press表示,考慮結束East Lothian News及Mus ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2015年12月31日


「付款或不付款,這是個問題。」阿里巴巴表明在收購《南華早報》之後,將拆除該媒體網站的付款牆(Paywall), ...全文


How the SCMP sale adds up for Kuok and Ma

Malaysian tycoon Robert Kuok Hock Nien, who owns the South China Morning Post, once the world’s most profitable newspaper, has yet to recoup his investment after 22 years. Kuok, 92, is selling the pap ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14

Axel Springer buying Business Insider for US$343 mln

German media company Axel Springer SE agreed to take over Business Insider Inc. for US$343 million, Bloomberg reported. Axel Springer said Tuesday it is purchasing 88 percent of the news site, boostin ...More

EJ Insight2015-09-30

德傳媒購Business Insider

德國傳媒集團Axel Springer周二宣布,買下美國新聞網站Business Insider控股權,拓展在 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2015年09月30日


谷歌(Google)當然早已不再是搜尋器了,與歐洲人、印度人乃至中國人之間的暗戰突顯一個主題:舊勢力與新興勢力 ...全文



內地傳媒大亨黎瑞剛繼日前宣布與美國華納兄弟聯手進軍電影業後,其名下華人文化產業投資基金(CMC)昨天宣布,參與 ...全文


Nikkei buys Financial Times for US$1.3 bln

Japanese media group Nikkei has agreed to buy the Financial Times, one of the world's premier business newspapers, from Britain's Pearson plc for US$1.3 billion, Reuters reported. Nikkei beat Germany' ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

Fosun, Spice plan final bids for Forbes Media, Bloomberg says

Forbes Media LLC is expected to attract final bids Monday from China's Fosun International Ltd. (0656.HK) and Singapore's Spice Global Investments, among others, Bloomberg News reported, citing people ...More

EJ Insight2014-02-10

Fosun among bidders for Forbes Media, report says

Six bidders, including China's Fosun International (00656.HK), are now said to remain in the fray for acquisition of New York-based Forbes Media LLC, which publishes the business magazine Forbes, Tenc ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-15

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