近期本地初創投資奄奄一息,很多初創企業都在疫情及政治事情影響下掙扎求存,雖然不少已經倒閉,卻仍然有本地創業家逆 ...全文
英國財相辛偉誠(Rishi Sunak)【圖】宣布,將斥資12.5億英鎊(約120億港元),向當地初創推出一系 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年04月22日
One of the highlights of the government's 2020-21 Budget is drawing of HK$22 billion from the Future Fund to establish a new portfolio, namely Hong Kong Growth Portfolio which will invest in companies ...More
EJ Insight2020-03-19
美國三藩市灣區鄰近科技基地矽谷,吸引全球企業進駐,惟亦推高當地樓價。社交媒體Facebook(fb)承諾,將撥 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年10月24日
英國《金融時報》報道,根據歐盟一份內部文件,當局正考慮推出一個總值1000億歐羅(約8676億港元)的主權財富 ...全文
I intend to utilize this column in the coming weeks to discuss various topics pertaining to the Hong Kong government’s latest budget, adding my perspective on the key issues related to the city. For s ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-01
Financial Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po has invited some financial experts and business leaders to offer suggestions on ways to enhance the investment returns on the Future Fund, which was launched in 201 ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-28
法國建築集團Vinci宣布,斥資29億英鎊(288.6億港元),購入英國倫敦格域機場(Gatwick Airp ...全文
There are roughly two major types of funds in the stock market. One is controlled by professional investors, namely active funds that make investment decisions after analyzing macro factors and compan ...More
EJ Insight2018-10-03
The government will not hand out cash to all citizens as some people have been urging it to do, although the budget surplus for the current fiscal year is said to be as much as HK$140 billion, the Hon ...More
EJ Insight2018-02-27
Hong Kong Monetary Authority's Long-term Growth Portfolio (LTGP) has yielded an internal return ratio of 13.5 percent as of the end of last year since its inception about seven years ago, a senior off ...More
EJ Insight2015-12-15
A work group on long-term fiscal planning has proposed a draw-down from the HK$220 billion Land Fund to make up the endowment for the so-called future fund that is being set up by the Hong Kong govern ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-03
At first glance, John Tsang’s budget presented on Wednesday did not fit the classical definition of austerity given a raft of policy sweeteners totaling HK$34 billion (US$4.38 billion) that includes t ...More
EJ Insight2015-02-27
Huge discrepancies between government estimation and the actual amount of budget surplus have become almost a routine feature, and this year's budget is no exception. According to a projection made by ...More
EJ Insight2015-02-27
Jean Liu, the daughter of Lenovo's founder Liu Chuanzhi, will be joining Tencent-backed taxi hailing app Didi as its chief operating officer. In her new role, the former investment banker is expected ...More
EJ Insight2014-07-29
Thousands of blue-collar workers used the Labor Day to stage a demonstration in Hong Kong on Thursday, calling for public holidays, standard hours, more control over their Mandatory Provident Fund acc ...More
EJ Insight2014-05-02
Following is a summary of major news and comments in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of EJ Insight, on Tuesday, April 8: TOP STORIES Sell-off in internet, healthcare plays may c ...More
EJ Insight2014-04-08
Following is a summary of major news and comments in the Hong Kong Economic Journal, the parent publication of EJ Insight, on Thursday, Feb. 27: TOP STORIES Hong Kong may see structural deficit by 202 ...More
EJ Insight2014-02-27