
共 40 個結果
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美國Macy’s百貨關125分店 裁2000人

美國百貨巨擘Macy’s公布,計劃3年內關閉125間表現最差的分店,其中30間已經開始進入關閉程序;2000個 ...全文


Macy's發盈警 旺季銷售跌幅較預期小

美國四大百貨公司之一Macy’s公布,去年11月至12月的黃金零售銷售檔期,同店收益按年跌0.6%,數字較預期 ...全文


Macy's網站遭黑客入侵 部分客戶資料外洩

美國最大百貨公司Macy’s遭網絡黑客入侵,部分客戶資料外洩。消息導致公司股價即市急挫逾一成。 Macy’s指 ...全文


Five stocks that present a scare this Halloween

...  and see. Macy’s Macy’s, till date, remains one of the most iconic retailers in the world but anyone following this stock can you tell that the stock is not performing well. In fact, Macy’s is one of ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-31

採取新經營策略 Macy’s料慳逾42億

美國最大百貨集團之一Macy’s財務總監Paula Price周四出席高盛投資研討會時指出,計劃未來2至4年通 ...全文


Macy’s上季盈利近腰斬 遜預期

美國最大百貨集團Macy’s公布,截至8月3日止第二季,股東應佔溢利倒退48%至8600萬美元;每股盈利28美 ...全文


美股焦點:中美貿談關鍵 鮑威爾國會作證

... me Depot)與Macy’s;周三有百思買(Best Buy)、Lowe’s、TJX與L Brands;周 ...全文


Stan Lee, creator of Spider-Man and the Hulk, dies at 95

... le in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Lee, as a hired hand at Marvel, received limited payback on the windfall from his characters. In a 1998 contract, he wrestled a clause for 10 percent of profi ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-13

鮑威爾連續兩天發言 主導美股後市

... 為此揭開序幕,周三有Macy’s,周四有沃爾瑪,Nordstrom、J.C. Penney等零售商也會公布業績 ...全文


美國零售商擬聘70萬臨時工 4年來最多

... arget、亞馬遜與Macy’s是招聘臨時工數量最多的三大企業,分別計劃聘請12萬、10萬與8萬人。 ...全文


US business readies public fight against Trump tariffs

... azon.com, Macy’s Inc. and Walmart Inc. “This is almost every sector of the American economy involved,” said David French, the top lobbyist for the NRF. The group will target Republican members of Cong ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-12

美零售數據將揭示經濟勢頭 土耳其危機主導後市

... t將於周二公布業績,Macy’s在周三公布財報,沃爾瑪的公布時間是在周四。其他零售巨擘,例如Nordstrom ...全文


美股業績期近尾聲 貿易議題主導本周後市

... 科,以及百貨公司集團Macy’s。周四,零售巨擘JCPenney、Nordstrom與沃爾瑪公布業績,而周五則 ...全文


加息4次憂慮升溫 美股跌幅近3周最大

... 回落3%。 百貨巨擘Macy’s業績勝預期,股價升3.5%。 ...全文



美國最大百貨公司之一的Macy’s公布,上季淨利潤為13.3億美元(103.74),是前一年度同期盈利4.75 ...全文


美國零售商假期銷售佳 分析員看法仍負面

美國兩大百貨巨擘Macy’s與J.C. Penney上周公布反映假期銷情的12月同店銷售數據,表現令人滿意,但 ...全文


US holiday sales set to break records amid bright consumer mood

... ore chain Macy’s Inc. and Target Corp. both noted increased activity during that time. Target spokesman Joshua Thomas told Reuters that during the week before Christmas the company had seen a marked i ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-28

Europe's Unibail bids US$16 billion for mall operator Westfield

... s such as Macy’s Inc. and J.C. Penney Co. Inc. have announced plans to shut hundreds of stores in recent years, putting pressure on landlords to find new “anchor tenants” or come up with new ways to g ...More

EJ Insight2017-12-13

千元會籍 名多於實

... 子,大型連鎖百貨公司Macy’s只要進行一次50比1的縮股(reverse split)行動,每股股價就可以達 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2017年06月01日

Macy’s rethinks China plans, WSJ says

Macy's Inc. has shelved an online-expansion plan in China, the latest retailer to do so as economic growth slows in the world's second largest economy, the Wall Street Journal reported Sunday. The com ...More

EJ Insight2013-10-07

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