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How China can save the world-and itself

... mand will peak this year, largely because of EVs. Globally, the International Energy Agency expects oil demand to peak by 2028. True, the push toward EVs comes with tradeoffs, putting further upward p ...More

EJ Insight2023-11-03

Stay in the game: Investing in a late-cycle world

... ear their peaks— and in doing so have often missed out on opportunities to generate portfolio returns above the risk-free rate. Relatively high cash yields are tempting some investors to maintain elev ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-31

China’s great leap backward

... jected to peak around mid-century, after which its shrinking labor force will offset any productivity gains. To be sure, in purchasing-power-parity terms, China already overtook the US in 2017. But fo ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-27

More residents crossing the border on Chung Yeung

... assed the peak of the national holiday in October when Hong Kong also enjoyed a long weekend. (Noted the “One country, two systems” prevailed during Chung Yeung Festival because it is not a holiday on ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-25

佳兆業提債主 清盤回收不足5%

佳兆業(01638)今年7月6日遭入稟申請清盤,呈請方為新加坡一間投資管理公司Broad Peak Inves ...全文



... 資金。 Broad Peak Investment今年7月向香港高等法院提交針對佳兆業的清盤申請,原因是該公司 ...全文


Fed to keep rates elevated for longer

... pected to peak next year at 4.1% instead of 4.5%, also slightly above the longer-term projection of 4%. Inflation is still expected to gradually decline to 2% in 2026. At first glance, it appears that ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-25

As China’s economy drags, the rest of Asia offers hope

... eriencing peak growth in 2010 and even faster after 2015, due to excess supply, deflationary pressures and the collapse of the overall stock market. As China’s economy started to recover in 2016, Trum ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-15

Trade in your home, will you?

... aditional peak season for the property market in a rather depressing environment, Shandong government took the lead to coordinate with 12 property developers and agencies and came up with a rather cre ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-13

A tech war without winners

... op from a peak of 21.6% in 2017. Foreign direct investment and portfolio flows have also decreased, with net FDI flows recording a deficit of $49 billion in the second quarter of this year. The ongoin ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-31

工廈「垂直農場」 穩定供應優質菜

... ,「電力公司供電有『Peak Hour』,亦即比較多人用電時段。每次從低量轉為高量供電,他們相對需要花上額外電 ...全文


Why is US inflation falling?

In just one year, inflation in the United States has fallen from a peak of about 9% to just 3%. Standard economic models suggest that such rapid disinflation would be possible only with a large increa ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-18


... 辛是一家叫Lela Peak Expedition的員工,負責背負氧氣筒等工作。他的哥哥胡沙恩(Hussain ...全文


The renaissance of active management

... rent, and peak multiples and margins are in the rearview mirror, not ahead of us. Again, this is an environment where active management matters — identifying companies with strong competitive position ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-11

Euro rebounds against US dollar: Rates, inflation trends diverge

... wn from a peak of 6.6% last year. What’s even more remarkable is that the divergence between U.S. and European inflation rates is much stronger when one measures it in a consistent fashion. The U.K. a ...More

EJ Insight2023-08-07

Why are we so unhappy?

... anity has peaked!” They forcefully declare, as if such an announcement were itself an affirmation of the downward trajectory that we are forecast to be going down - there is no going back. Others leve ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-31

The next evolution in green finance

...  to reach peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality before 2060. As the world’s largest energy consumer and carbon emitter, China’s pace of emissions reductions will be significant ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-21

Is the US economy headed for a soft landing?

... tion rate peaked at 9.1%. Falling rental costs suggest that CPI inflation will likely continue to decline in the coming months. To be sure, some of the decline in headline inflation since 2022 can be ...More

EJ Insight2023-07-18


... ggins)是匹克(Peak)代言人。剛完結球季,在總決賽激戰的金塊前鋒哥頓(Gordon)簽約361度;熱火 ...全文



佳兆業(01638)上周四(6日)遭新加坡對沖基金公司布洛德峰投資顧問(Broad Peak Investme ...全文


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