本港面對人才外流問題,薪高糧準的大型企業亦沒有優勢。專業人才招聘顧問華德士(Robert Walters)發表 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年04月04日
招聘顧問公司華德士(Robert Walters)發表《薪酬調查2021》報告,指在新冠疫情影響下,各行各業正 ...全文
本港投資銀行家的地位漸被削弱,由內地銀行家趕上。彭博引述招聘公司表示,港人在香港投資銀行的職位佔比已從兩年前的 ...全文
在港的外資金融機構近年減慢增聘步伐,惟中資金融業則大舉擴軍,影響力大增。英國《金融時報》引述本港證監會數據報道 ...全文
香港去年爆發反修例事件後,不少外資行放緩在港發展步伐,同期,中資金融機構則持續在港招攬投資銀行家,此消彼長下, ...全文
英國步向「硬脫歐」,噩夢或成真,當地股市應聲下挫。英國兩大上市獵頭公司PageGroup及競爭對手華德士(Ro ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年10月10日
風投機構Monk's Hill Ventures主攻種子初創,公司早前夥拍科技大會Slush Singapor ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月19日
Hong Kong workers who change employers this year could earn up to 15 percent more, according to a survey. Those that stay put could expect a pay increase of 3-5 percent on average, Sky Post reports, c ...More
EJ Insight2016-01-19
We often receive complaints from readers about their jobs. Some say their jobs are boring, others are put out by overtime work and several complain about not having enough holidays. Then there is the ...More
EJ Insight2015-08-15
Hong Kong brokers are offering a 20 percent premium to attract financial professionals amid a business expansion driven by market-friendly policies. Professionals with five to eight years of experienc ...More
EJ Insight2015-06-15
Hiring senior executives in first-tier mainland cities is now as costly as in Hong Kong amid widespread skills shortage and higher employee expectations, the South China Morning Post reported Wednesda ...More
EJ Insight2014-01-29