
共 23 個結果
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「沒有人知道,整個荷里活電影圈,任何人都沒有把握說得出,一部電影必定賣座,或怎樣的電影『一定得』。每一次,他們 ...全文


Amazon’s US$0.99 blockbusters

The Washington Post ran an article in May last year on how a 99 US cent Amazon Kindle ebook may have saved NASA and the Mars space program. Incidentally, it became a New York Times bestseller and, as ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

The new ad model: short video on social media

What can one achieve in just 15 seconds? According to social media giant Facebook, it shouldn't take more than that to sell a product or promote a brand. As the company expands its video advertising s ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-22

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