發展商積極推售旗下豪宅項目,華懋集團旗下薄扶林域多利道翻新項目VICTORIA COAST昨日公布首份銷售安排 ...全文
華懋旗下薄扶林域多利道住宅VICTORIA COAST早前上載售樓說明書,剛推出銷售安排,將於周五(29日)單 ...全文
個別新盤積極銷售餘貨,恒地(00012)紅磡大型住宅重建項目BAKER CIRCLE ONE,共分3期,開賣至 ...全文
華懋旗下薄扶林域多利道住宅VICTORIA COAST昨日上載售樓說明書後,隨即於今日舉行亮燈儀式。 華懋集團 ...全文
華懋旗下薄扶林域多利道住宅VICTORIA COAST上載售樓說明書,將於短期內供預約參觀。 華懋集團銷售總監 ...全文
兩個市區新盤昨天公布命名並部署登場,華懋集團斥資近6億元翻新的薄扶林域多利道現樓海景住宅項目,命名為「VICT ...全文
華懋旗下薄扶林域多利道住宅命名為VICTORIA COAST。 華懋集團銷售總監封海倫表示,VICTORIA ...全文
A four-day downpour across Australia’s east coast has brought relief after months of devastating bushfires and years of drought, but also widespread storm damage and forecasts of more wild weather to ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-10
The Australian navy on Friday began the evacuations of some of the thousands of people stranded on the east coast of the fire-ravaged country as a searing weather front was set to whip up more blazes ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-03
Tens of thousands of holiday makers raced to evacuate popular seaside towns on Australia’s east coast on Wednesday, fleeing ahead of advancing bushfires, as military ships and helicopters began rescui ...More
EJ Insight2020-01-02
Authorities declared a state of emergency across a broad swath of Australia’s east coast on Monday, urging residents in high risk areas to evacuate ahead of looming “catastrophic” fire conditions, Reu ...More
EJ Insight2019-11-11
Lingnan Garden, Tsz Shan Monastery, Cityplaza, Tamar headquarters. All these were on a list of secret hotspots that were circulated to Chinese netizens as recommendations for places to see in Hong Kon ...More
EJ Insight2018-11-19
Australian authorities ordered the evacuation of some sparsely populated rural areas of New South Wales as bushfires, fanned by extreme heat and strong winds, raged across the state, threatening homes ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-13
A sunbathing deck and a floating swimming pool are being planned for Victoria Harbor. The proposed facilities will be built near a former public cargo depot in Causeway Bay, the Hong Kong Economic Jou ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-30
Costing more than HK$140 billion, the third runway at Chek Lap Kok is definitely an expensive infrastructure investment. The public have mixed feelings about its cost-effectiveness, and many experts b ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-24
To many Chinese billionaires, the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong right next door to Two International Finance Center on the Central waterfront is without doubt their favorite place to stay. Since its in ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-28