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積金局主席黃友嘉在網誌表示,「積金易」平台已進入關鍵階段,預計今年底會進行招標程序,並於明年下半年批出標書,目 ...全文


Carrie Lam urges public to condemn violence after night of chaos

Embattled Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor on Saturday urged the public to condemn violence and dissociate themselves from rioters after a night of chaos in which police shot a teenage boy a ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-05

Trump asks China to probe Biden amid impeachment inquiry

President Donald Trump again invited foreign interference in a US presidential election by publicly calling on China to investigate Democratic political rival Joe Biden, the kind of request that has a ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-04

HK streets turn into protest battlefield on National Day

Police fired tear gas and rubber bullets at pro-democracy protesters throwing petrol bombs in Hong Kong on Tuesday as China celebrated the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic. Ca ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-01

PM Johnson vows to stay put to hit Oct. 31 Brexit deadline

Boris Johnson said he would not quit as Britain’s prime minister even if he fails to secure a deal to leave the European Union, insisting only his Conservative government can deliver Brexit on Oct. 31 ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-30


積金局統計顯示,強積金可扣稅自願性供款(TVC)於4月推出以來,至8月TVC賬戶為1.7436萬個,累計供款3 ...全文



噚日本來歷時兩個鐘嘅會,結果延長至兩個鐘零35分鐘,去到最後嗰半個鐘都真係開始頂唔順,有少少放空...不過算啦 ...全文


Carrie Lam holds community dialogue amid fresh protests

Hong Kong's leader Carrie Lam on Thursday held the first of her planned dialogue sessions with the public as she seeks to bring an end to the months-long unrest in the city. As she began her "open dia ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-27


2008年美國雷曼兄弟破產而掀起全球金融海嘯,本港雷曼迷債亦因而爆煲,其後促成監管機構收緊對銀行銷售過程的規管 ...全文


Trump: China trade deal could happen sooner than people think

A trade deal with China could come about sooner than people think, US President Donald Trump said on Wednesday, adding that the Chinese were making big agricultural purchases from the United States, i ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-26

China hits back at Trump, warns US to respect its sovereignty

China’s top diplomat hit back at US criticism of its trade and development model, saying Beijing had no intention to “play the Game of Thrones on the world stage” but warned Washington to respect its ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25

US leads condemnation of China for 'repression' in Xinjiang

The United States led more than 30 countries on Tuesday in condemning what it called China’s “horrific campaign of repression” against Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, Reuters reports. At an ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25


美國聯邦儲備局在9月18日議息後作出今年第二次減息。一如市場預期,減息0.25厘。同樣一如市場預期,美國總統特 ...全文


Google wins in 'right to be forgotten' fight with France

Google won its fight against tougher “right to be forgotten” rules after Europe’s top court said on Tuesday it does not have to remove links to sensitive personal data worldwide, rejecting a French de ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-24


9點40分返到公司就見到新聞組同事開住個電視機等林鄭出嚟講話,其實星期四(9月26日)都有佢首場「與公眾對話」 ...全文


Pompeo: World must resist China demands to repatriate Uighurs

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on all countries to resist China’s demands to repatriate ethnic Uighurs, saying Beijing’s campaign in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang is an “attempt to ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23

Facebook suspends 'tens of thousands' of apps amid privacy probe

Facebook said it has suspended tens of thousands of apps on its platform as part of an ongoing app developer investigation it began in March 2018 in response to the Cambridge Analytica row. The suspen ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23


噚日隻進取恒指熊(55811)同安全距離恒指熊(55832)全數Day Trade成功,但基於噚日恒指向下殺咗 ...全文


Trudeau vows to continue campaign amid blackface scandal

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed to continue his re-election campaign and asked for forgiveness after pictures of him in blackface emerged less than five weeks before the national vote, Re ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20


噚日下半場悶足全場咁滯,隻恒指熊(55636)揸住過夜,今朝早起身都仲被美股嚇一嚇,事關美聯儲減息0.25厘, ...全文


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