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經濟差疫情慘 特朗普連任難

... 缺口(output gap)錄得負6.4%,屬二次大戰以來最差,意味真正的就業率及生產力低於官方數據。與此同時 ...全文

今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2020年05月22日

經濟愈病央行愈勇 逼錢入股市

... dangerous gap)。 《經濟學人》評論指出,標普500指數極速收復失地,一個重要原因是央行承諾入市買 ...全文


Thank the Hong Kong people

... aordinary gap between the two? The biggest difference has been ordinary citizens. With their experience of SARS in 2002/2003, Hong Kong people moved at once to protect themselves with masks, hand-wash ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-04


... 學生有半年至一年的「Gap Year」,加上廉價航空當道(假設新冠病毒疫情告一段落後一切如常),有意去日本留學 ...全文


道指收市升逾350點 迪士尼MGM股價飆

... 漲約9%;主要零售商Gap和Kohl's則分別上揚12.9%和17.7%。迪士尼抽高4.81%,為表現最強的道 ...全文


道指高收358點 紐油瀉兩成半

... 漲約9%;主要零售商Gap和Kohl's則分別上揚12.9%和17.7%。迪士尼抽高4.81%。 歐洲Stox ...全文


How 'She’s Next Empowered by Visa' supports female founders

... lling the gap left by a corporate world largely dominated by men. “The great thing about female entrepreneurs is that they are very inventive. Many female entrepreneurs start their businesses because ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-27


... 球多國設有辦事處。 GAP僅剩59億現金或需借貸 另外,在疫情下全球多國的零售店需暫停開業,知名品牌亦受重創。 ...全文



... 's、服裝連鎖店集團Gap先後表示,暫時不會重新營業。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2020年04月25日

Gap:疫情以來蒸發78億 已停繳9億租金

美國最大服裝連鎖集團Gap表示,受新型冠狀肺炎疫情影響,自2月份以來已蒸發10億元(美元‧下同)(約78億港元 ...全文


How to keep calm amid the pandemic

...  fill the gap of cognition with imagination, but it tends to be in a negative way. Therefore, it will deepen the worry. Under the vicious circle, daily life and emotions are greatly affected, if the s ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-22

Gap據報尋求發債集資 應對疫情挑戰

外電報道,美國最大服裝連鎖集團Gap洽商發行債券,以籌集資金應對新冠肺炎大流行病帶來的經濟衝擊。 根據報道,G ...全文


Neat secures funding from PCG, Visa, MassMutual amid pandemic

... , like Singapore. You don't need to be a UK resident to have an account in London to do business in London; the whole world is welcome to do business in London. So, the moment you look at London from ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-17

Post-pandemic cities

... egulatory gaps in urban planning. Collaborative efforts by designers, logistics specialists, and security experts must establish guidelines and define best practices. Architects and planners need to r ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-17

【市場觀點】預測聰明錢下一步 為港股部署

... ing Yield Gap Model)及「市盈率/市賬率通道」(PE/PB Band)分析,港股現時已具備中 ...全文


Where women stand

... r, gender gaps in employment and wages narrowed but remained large, and women continued to confront unique challenges as workers, consumers, and savers. Consider the track record for women workers. To ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-09

What’s next for Chinese stocks?

... rest-rate gap than its counterparts in Europe, Japan and the United States. The PBoC also has a wider buffer between where its policy rate currently stands and the zero lower bound – or even negative ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-06

肺疫衝擊美三大零售商 逾32萬僱員休假

... Kohl’s百貨外,Gap也公布關店安排。梅西表示,12.5萬僱員內的大部分將放無薪假。被Kohl’s放無薪假 ...全文


A gender lens for Covid-19

... ender pay gap in the global health workforce and ensuring decent and safe working environments with proper protective equipment. This will prevent interruptions in service delivery by ensuring health ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-30

Gap停派息削開支 提取39億備用信貸

美國服裝集團Gap公布,因應新冠肺炎疫情衝擊,決定暫停派發季度股息,包括早前公布首季業績時宣布派發的股息。 消 ...全文


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