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秋日銀杏樹 漫天黃金葉

... 新穎」的性格,如當地ICC天曜的示範單位就以時尚豪華為賣點,再以秋日「漫天黃金葉」為主題打造裝潢,結果得到「1 ...全文



... 九龍站環球貿易廣場(ICC)參觀示範單位後,才可安排到現樓參觀交樓標準單位,項目將於極短期內公布首張價單。而新 ...全文



... 料連同環球貿易廣場(ICC)示範單位,周末同步開放,以供參觀。 長實昨天首度開放世宙示範單位,為3座28樓K室 ...全文


中朝再套交情 只怕又是白忙

... 」移交國際刑事法院(ICC)受審,一改以往同類議案不會點明要誰負責的做法,矛頭直指最近調整對華姿態的北韓首腦金 ...全文



...  移交國際刑事法院(ICC)受審。去年12月,聯合國全體會議通過北韓人權決議案,安理會同月首度通過把北韓人權問 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2015年10月15日


... 益垂直跑──勇闖香港ICC」將於12月6日舉行,除了香港大型跑樓梯比賽外,也給予長者跑樓梯的一個目標。李韋煜則 ...全文



由新鴻基地產發展有限公司(新地)主辦的「新地公益垂直跑─勇闖香港ICC」將於12月6日舉行。凡於9月18日或之 ...全文


Sudan's Bashir to visit China, defying arrest warrant

... al Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Bashir in 2009 and 2010, accusing him of masterminding genocide and other atrocities in his campaign to crush a revolt in the western Darfur region, Reuters r ...More

EJ Insight2015-08-31

Gaddafi son sentenced to death by firing squad

... al Court (ICC) had indicted Gadaffi, two of his sons including Seif al-Islam and his top security official on war crimes charges. But in the wake of the revolution, Libyan officials leading the countr ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-29

Irfan Ahmed: A portrait of HK's Pakistan-born cricket star

... ms in the ICC World Twenty20 Qualifier 2013 and qualified for the ICC World Twenty20 2014 in Bangladesh. Irfan Ahmed, aged 25, is an all-rounder in the Hong Kong men's cricket squad. He has been servi ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-11

Sudan's Bashir leaves South Africa despite court order

... cused the ICC of being biased against Africans and "no longer useful". Bashir has been indicted by the ICC over war crimes and crimes against humanity but South Africa gave him immunity along with all ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-16

Palestinians sign up to join war crimes court after UN rejection

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has signed papers for the Palestinian Authority to join the International Criminal Court (ICC), a day after a bid for independence by 2017 failed at the United Nati ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-02

HK appetite for stocks bigger than mainland's

... in IFC or ICC who don’t understand the investing pattern of the growing middle class in Shanghai. The cruel fact is: Shanghainese don’t like Hongkongers -- or our companies -- that much. That was refl ...More

EJ Insight2014-11-18

There is no getting away from Sun Hung Kai if you live in HK

... e Centre (ICC). Controlled by the Kwok brothers -- now made up of Thomas and Raymond minus the ousted Walter -- the group had 28.7 million square feet of completed investment properties and a further ...More

EJ Insight2014-05-27

SHKP deserves higher China profile due to good asset mix

...  Shanghai ICC and the Shanghai IFC towers. And this number is set to grow along with rising rental rates and an expanding portfolio, in particular following the completion of a mega project at the bus ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-29

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