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中國最大的線上健身平台Keep上載初步招股文件,擬在港交所主板上市。 該公司是一個以創新為核心、快速增長並以交 ...全文



... 號粵菜館不同,味道要keep好,又要講求創新,在餐飲人才缺乏的時代,困難度特別高。當中四季酒店旗下的龍景軒,可 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化食家講場Walter Kei2022年09月06日

Why can’t we all be rich?

...  gains to keep the world poor. Innovations in technology, method, and organization made it possible to expand the economic pie so that everyone could have enough. This meant that governance would no l ...More

EJ Insight2022-09-01

Japan’s lessons for Taiwan

...  it could keep them uninhabited. From its perspective, it had maintained the status quo and averted a crisis. But the Chinese government showed no gratitude for this intervention. Quite the contrary: ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-31

Rays of hope in the climate struggle

... f will to keep the focus on climate justice. In recent years, youth activists have called our bluff: One cannot say that efforts to tackle the climate emergency are sufficient when politicians do litt ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-30

Zero Trust: Past, present and a call to action for the future

... ewalls to keep intruders out. Organizations need to align their processes and people, along with their products, to achieve true zero trust. Products are a straight-forward step. Essentially, what’s n ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-22

昔年校內設系隊 夢想大球場踢波

... 吓愈來愈多人,如今仲keep住,當然呢兩年無咁多活動,我亦少參與,始終無時間,但好開心其他師弟仲繼續緊,同埋踢 ...全文


How India can sustain rapid economic growth

... e able to keep interest rates at that level, and maintain a veneer of debt sustainability, only by requiring banks and other institutional investors to hold government bonds. This in turn limits the b ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-15

美食博覽開鑼 展商料生意倍增
兩婦排3晚通宵 投籃贏300罐鮑魚

... 姐說首天人流不差,「Keep住有生意」。有賣雞煲的參展商說第一天首數小時人流足,市民有消費券顯得爽手,「一開檔 ...全文


Why is Britain so keen to attract HK people as immigrants?

... desire to keep a low profile. George Brock, a former journalist of The Times newspaper, said: “From the start of Brexit in 2016, the government has known that it is short of immigrants. It has been la ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-11

Why is Britain so keen to attract HK people as immigrants?

... desire to keep a low profile. George Brock, a former jo ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年08月11日

Russia’s looming defeat in Ukraine

... ption. To keep its economy functioning, Russia needs to organize something akin to the 1948-49 Berlin Airlift – except this time the task is lifting oil by sea out of Russia, and not for two years, bu ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-04

Edible oils are facing a supply crunch

... n able to keep pace with the rising demand caused by the growing use of both oils for biofuel. The trees from which palm oil is extracted take time to grow, while there has also not been a significant ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-04

‘Unbearable’-Chinese describe life without passports

...  for “safekeeping” to be returned “when the pandemic is over”. In a statement, the NIA denied these reports. “The wider public fully understands and has responded positively to the implementation of a ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-28


... 象(00005)公司keep住回購,但未對股價帶嚟太大刺激,半日仍要跌0.3%。至於內房股今日逆市反彈,內地據 ...全文


利園協會董彥鈞 情牽銅鑼灣
連繫商戶共建社區 凝聚人情味

... 喺改變過程中,亦都要keep(保留)返好多呢區本身嘅人和事,否則個社區就會失去佢原本個味道,人哋亦未必有興趣嚟 ...全文


Why Sri Lanka imploded

... effort to keep the Sri Lankan rupee artificially strong. Technically, Sri Lanka uses a “soft peg”: Rather than being fixed by government diktat, the rupee-to-dollar exchange rate is allowed to float, ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-22

The world needs a digital lifeline

In periods of crisis, digital technologies provide a lifeline that keeps people, communities, and businesses functioning. From the COVID-19 pandemic to violent conflicts and natural disasters, being c ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-21

前籃球員因傷轉行 闖新領域危轉機

... 生涯),當然之後仲有keep住打波,不過呢兩年就甚少,一來(新冠)疫情,二來(工作)真係忙。」 傷患只是人生小 ...全文


It's high time to end Hong Kong’s quarantine inanities

... ions that keep them from one another. Seven days of quarantine may not be too long in an absolute vacuum – but against a continent of booming rivals and competitors that have pivoted towards a more pr ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

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