
共 1022 個結果
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Simplify Technology offers 'Treasure' for elderly

Hong Kong is coping with an ageing population. By 2041, almost one in three people in the city will be aged 65 or above, up from just 16 percent last year, showing the urgent need to provide better ca ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-23

Despite the World Cup, let's not kid ourselves about Russia

The World Cup Final in Moscow was almost the perfect ending to a story that has seen Vladimir Putin and Russia go from the enemies of liberal democracy to one of its most valued new acquaintances, in ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-18

Chinese equities earn their place in long-term portfolios

The event might have appeared trivial had it not provided additional evidence of the potential long-term appeal of Chinese equities, despite turbulence caused by the threat of a trade war between Wash ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-16

Most expensive studio unit at Victoria Harbour without sea-view

Hong Kong property developers are unequaled when it comes to naming their residential projects: the names invariably evoke exotic places wrapped in legends and myths; they always exude charm, luxury a ...More

EJ Insight2018-07-09

HK should harness potential for greater role in global affairs

The recent summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has once again highlighted Singapore’s unique status as a neutral country in the global community and a hub for ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-29

One Hennessy出租率約八成 平均呎租100

華懋集團旗下灣仔甲級商廈One Hennessy,由今年5月開始預租,已獲兩間企業承租,包括承租7層樓面面積合 ...全文


Life lessons from goose master chef Uncle Wing

A master chef famous for his generosity to his kai fong (neighbors) in Po Lam will mark the 30th month of his business venture on a high note this week. Two and a half years ago, Lam Kam-wing retired ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-25

HKU SPACE Executive Academy 聯合雅詩蘭黛(香港)有限公司 培育年輕商業領袖

成立於1957年的香港大學專業進修學院(HKU SPACE),是香港乃至亞洲地區最早的持續進修及商業管理教學機 ...全文


Beijing nano flat fetches sky-high price

Hong Kong's property market is crazy, but Beijing's is crazier. A subdivided unit in the capital city near the National Center for the Performing Arts, dubbed The Giant Egg, was sold for 2.5 million y ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-22

Famous goose barbecue restaurant closes juicy deal

In the restaurant business, how many dishes does one have to prepare and sell in order to reach HK$100 million?  A lot, you will say. And probably not even several lifetimes of hard work and the best ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-15

Tax breaks alone won’t promote e-mobility

E-mobility has become a major trend worldwide as take-up of electric vehicles (EVs) and new initiatives to promote cleaner drives show no sign of stopping. In Hong Kong, there are approximately 11,100 ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-14

Understanding the yoga boom

Hong Kong is known for its open-mindedness, embracing new trends from fashion to technology. In recent years, the city has attracted another global favorite. From big yoga chains to small studios, the ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-11

Can smart cities be equitable?

  Around the world, governments are making cities "smarter" by using data and digital technology to build more efficient and livable urban environments. This makes sense: with urban populations growin ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-08

NASA rover data shows Mars had ingredients needed for life

A NASA rover has detected a bonanza of organic compounds on the surface of Mars and seasonal fluctuations of atmospheric methane in findings that mark some of the strongest evidence ever that Earth’s ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-08

Are emerging markets the canary in the financial coal mine?

  Are brewing exchange-rate and debt crises in Argentina and Turkey localized events without broader implications? Or are they early warning signs of deeper fragilities in bloated global debt markets ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-07

Rental platform Baletu rides home sharing wave in China

Rising home prices and the lack of residential space are driving the shared housing trend in mainland China, especially among young people. Baletu seizes the opportunity by linking tenants and landlor ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-06

EPD revising indoor air quality standards

The Advisory Council on the Environment met on Monday for a discussion on updating the standards laid out in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Certification Scheme, following revised IAQ guidelines from th ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-05

WeWork goes full throttle in China

A platform for creators, WeWork is bent on establishing a global presence. Founded in New York City in 2010, the company now has about 248,000 members around the world. As WeWork continues to expand, ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-04

Hong Kong is world's most expensive city? Have another look

In survey after survey, Hong Kong stands as one of the world's most expensive cities, especially when you talk about home prices. No wonder a growing number of Hongkongers are thinking of emigrating t ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-04

Moving to Zhuhai? No, thank you

Every morning thousands of people in Brooklyn, the Bronx and Queens get up early, eat a hurried breakfast, kiss their loved ones goodbye and start a long commuting journey by rail, road and ferry to a ...More

EJ Insight2018-06-04

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