
共 789 個結果
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Walmart's delivery tie-ups with Uber, Lyft terminated: Reuters

... f the tie-ups when asked by Reuters, but did not detail the reasons behind the decision. She said Walmart will use other delivery service providers in the four markets where it had previously used Ub ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-09


... 遜(Amazon)和UPS則並列第4位。 日本索尼(Sony)成為當地最受歡迎外國品牌,排在第7位。至於排名第 ...全文


Facebook to play cupid in online dating debut

... just hook-ups”, Zuckerberg said. It will be launched soon, he added, without giving a specific date. More details will be revealed over the next few months, Facebook chief product officer Chris Cox sa ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02

UPS提自願退休計劃 減人手降成本

全球最大速遞公司UPS宣布,向一批經選擇後的美國管理級別僱員提出自願退休計劃(VRP),作為集團重整架構計劃的 ...全文



... 創企業(Start-ups),其利潤及財務風險比美國納指成分股高,高風險帶來高回報非常自然;第二,過去十年,創 ...全文


南韓折價收窄 區內科企看俏

... 創企業(Start-ups),其利潤及財務風險比美國納指成分股高,高風險帶來高回報非常自然;第二,過去10年, ...全文


China charter revision shows HK future hangs by a thread

... ected the ups and downs of the politics of the day. It provided a foundation for China to evolve into a country governed by law and not just the Communist Party. Fortunately, Xi has repeatedly asserte ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-06

China charter revision shows HK future hangs by a thread

... ected the ups and downs of the politics of the day. It ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年04月05日

Breaking the Brexit stalemate

... had their ups and downs. But, on a positive note, substantial progress has been made in recent weeks. For starters, a draft withdrawal treaty between the UK and the EU is now close to completion, thou ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

Should tech companies be more tightly regulated?

... s get the upside if things go well, and any potential losses are imposed on the insurance fund. Preventing abuse and encouraging appropriate caution requires rules, and the US Federal Deposit Insuran ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-04

FedEx訂購20輛Tesla Semi

...  FedEx主要對手UPS訂購125輛Tesla Semi。 ...全文



... 聯邦快遞、聯合包裹(UPS)、美國郵政等美國大型配送公司,包裹掃描並非例行程序。業內專家稱,該行業每天在美國配 ...全文


Time to reflect on our approach to developing New Territories

... for start-ups in the North East New Territories area. Unlike the conventional industrial park that features predominantly big manufacturing plants, the ecologically friendly industrial park can be a l ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-12

10 things amateur cryptocurrency trading and trail running share

...  the hard ups and tortuous downs to come. It’s like crypto trading: everyone buys in a frenzy at the start. Got that new coin for the chemical industry? How about the one that is the future of the shi ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-09

Autism spectrum disorder

... lar check-ups and special education. However, so far there is no specific technology or medication to cure autism. In mild cases, patients may appear just as normal people, yet in serious cases, they ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-09

Empowering women to prevent and manage gestational diabetes

... lar check-ups for those living with the condition, should be encouraged. This approach not only benefits the health of individuals and the broader population, but also relieves pressure on the public ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-08

Silicon Valley losing luster amid high living costs: report

... ide start-ups with messaging services and data hosting. The article also said some industry insiders are complaining about local criticism of the tech industry and "a left-wing echo chamber that stifl ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07

貿易戰不明朗 美股反覆微升

... 。 獲券商調高評級的UPS,股價升3.8%。 ...全文


Is Hong Kong's technology push big enough?

...  new startups. TEKES has so far provided loans and subsidies for over 100 gaming companies and numerous start-ups since 1996. Mobile games have now become one of Finland’s major export services. Finla ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05

加息憂慮紓緩 道指標指連升3天

... 收購。 控歐盟索償的UPS升2.3%。 ...全文


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