... 持。美國貿易代表署(USTR)早前首次根據「1974年貿易法」及十多年來首次採用201條款加徵關稅,相信只是前 ...全文
... 美國貿易代表辦事處(USTR)公告,美國向進口的洗衣機徵收最高50%關稅,但預期將在未來數年遞減;進口太陽能板 ...全文
... 美國貿易代表辦事處(USTR)公告,美國向進口的洗衣機徵收最高50%關稅,但預期將在未來數年遞減;進口太陽能板 ...全文
... 美國貿易代表辦事處(USTR)公告,美國向進口的洗衣機徵收最高50%關稅,但預期將在未來數年遞減;進口太陽能板 ...全文
... 美國貿易代表辦事處(USTR)公告,美國向進口的洗衣機徵收最高50%關稅,但預期將在未來數年遞減;進口太陽能板 ...全文
... 美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)日前再次把淘寶網等列入「惡名市場」,高峰稱美方指控缺乏確鑿證據。 高峰指出,日前 ...全文
阿里巴巴旗下淘寶網,多年來均有假貨及盜版貨品的問題,日前再遭美國貿易代表處(USTR)列入「惡名市場」2017 ...全文
美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)於美國當地時間12日(星期五)將淘寶包括在內的24個網上市場及15個實體市場納入 ...全文
... excess industrial capacity, WTO spokesman Ken Rockwell told reporters. Some 70 member countries, including the US, the European Union, Japan and Brazil pledged to forge ahead with an effort to negotia ...More
EJ Insight2017-12-14
... ect US industry from foreign countries’ unfair trading practices. The US has launched other investigations that could impact trade ties between the world’s two biggest economies. The Commerce Departme ...More
EJ Insight2017-08-03
... ructures. USTR said it would seek to strengthen NAFTA's rules of origin to ensure that the pact's benefits do not go to outside countries and to "incentivize" the sourcing of US goods. The 17-page sum ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-18
... 美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)列入「惡名昭彰市場」(Notorious Markets)黑名單的麻煩有望解決。 ...全文
今日信報理財投資股海One Piece費高2017年01月11日
... 美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)和美國證券交易委員會(SEC)投訴淘寶網賣假貨,令阿里巴巴更加努力打假,在201 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年12月28日
阿里巴巴旗下淘寶,事隔4年後再被美國貿易代表處(USTR)納入「惡名市場」(Notorious Markets ...全文
... ut on the USTR blacklist in 2011 but removed in 2012 after it made efforts to address concerns of intellectual property rights holders and committed to cut the number of pirated and counterfeit goods ...More
EJ Insight2016-12-22
... ing," the USTR spokesman added. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG/RA ...More
EJ Insight2016-10-20
... an said a USTR review of China's revised duties found they were still not in compliance with WTO rules. According to US Acting Deputy Agriculture Secretary Michael Scuse, American poultry producers ha ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-11
... 美國貿易代表辦公室(USTR)列入全球「惡名市場」名單的廣東汕頭澄海區,此次亦有約300個玩具商赴港參展。 多 ...全文