
共 1929 個結果
頁數:1...18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ...97

US leads condemnation of China for 'repression' in Xinjiang

The United States led more than 30 countries on Tuesday in condemning what it called China’s “horrific campaign of repression” against Muslims in the western region of Xinjiang, Reuters reports. At an ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-25


美國聯邦儲備局在9月18日議息後作出今年第二次減息。一如市場預期,減息0.25厘。同樣一如市場預期,美國總統特 ...全文


Google wins in 'right to be forgotten' fight with France

Google won its fight against tougher “right to be forgotten” rules after Europe’s top court said on Tuesday it does not have to remove links to sensitive personal data worldwide, rejecting a French de ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-24


9點40分返到公司就見到新聞組同事開住個電視機等林鄭出嚟講話,其實星期四(9月26日)都有佢首場「與公眾對話」 ...全文


Pompeo: World must resist China demands to repatriate Uighurs

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called on all countries to resist China’s demands to repatriate ethnic Uighurs, saying Beijing’s campaign in the western Chinese region of Xinjiang is an “attempt to ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23

Facebook suspends 'tens of thousands' of apps amid privacy probe

Facebook said it has suspended tens of thousands of apps on its platform as part of an ongoing app developer investigation it began in March 2018 in response to the Cambridge Analytica row. The suspen ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-23


噚日隻進取恒指熊(55811)同安全距離恒指熊(55832)全數Day Trade成功,但基於噚日恒指向下殺咗 ...全文


Trudeau vows to continue campaign amid blackface scandal

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed to continue his re-election campaign and asked for forgiveness after pictures of him in blackface emerged less than five weeks before the national vote, Re ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-20


噚日下半場悶足全場咁滯,隻恒指熊(55636)揸住過夜,今朝早起身都仲被美股嚇一嚇,事關美聯儲減息0.25厘, ...全文


US Congress to advance HK human rights and democracy bill

US congressional committees are due to start voting next week on legislation supporting human rights in Hong Kong, with measures under consideration including annual reviews of the Chinese territory’s ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-19

Fed cuts interest rates, signals holding pattern for now

The US Federal Reserve cut interest rates again on Wednesday to help sustain a record-long economic expansion but signaled a higher bar to further reductions in borrowing costs, Reuters reports. Descr ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-19


噚日下晝個市都無乜好玩,見大家都咁高興圍住啲油股,我又唔執輸去八卦一番,結果見到隻中石油(00857)一個Pu ...全文



消委會檢視市面上18間保險公司,共提供37個年金計劃,發現在投保年齡、保費、年期及回報率等各方面都有明顯差異。 ...全文



依家10點14分,其實今朝一早已經返咗嚟,不過就係一返嚟公司個email過咗期但又改唔到password,搞咗 ...全文


After LSE rebuff, HKEx begins investor charm offensive

Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx, 00388.HK) is embarking on a three-week charm offensive with London Stock Exchange investors as the Asian trading house tries to salvage its proposed US$39 billi ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-16

Trump and Netanyahu risk sparking Mideast nuclear arms race

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani may not be the only one to have welcomed US President Donald Trump’s cancellation of peace talks with the Taliban. Probably, so did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in t ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-13


依家9點57分,啱啱返到公司再斟好杯水,見恒指由今朝開市報27154點,升67點,至依家都只係升多咗少少,做緊 ...全文


US flags Huawei 5G network security concerns to Gulf allies

The United States has flagged concerns with its Gulf allies over a possible security risk in using Huawei’s technology for 5G mobile infrastructure, Reuters reports. “We shared a ... message about the ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-13


噚日朝早揀咗兩隻恒指牛出嚟,分別係(55234)同(55317),基於個市喺噚日上半場無啦啦彈升逾400點,搞 ...全文


HK-British corporate takeover drama: money can't buy you love?

If Wednesday's surprise announcement by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx, 00388.HK) of its proposal to acquire the London Stock Exchange (LSE) were a drama, would it be a comedy or a tragedy ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-12

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